Forum Discussion

JamesMartin-d06's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Multiple Response Question Not Working in Storyline

I'm converting some old Presenter courses to Storyline 360 in a template a peer created.  Unfortunately, it appears that none of the Multiple Response Type questions are working.  For example, there might be seven possible answers, but only four of them are correct.  In Form View, the four "right" responses are checked, but, when I take the course in Preview mode, I'm getting an Incorrect message when I select the four "right" responses.  

Does anyone know what might be going on and how to correct it?  Thanks for your help!

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi James, 

      Thanks for sharing a copy of your project file. Here's what I observe when I test your slide: 

      In the file that you shared with me, there were actually 5 correct responses, and after selecting all of the correct ones, I was able to see the correct layer. Would you mind going through the short clip and letting me know if there is anything I should change in the way I tested your course to properly observe the behavior? 

  • Ron and Joe,

    Thanks for reaching out to help.  Embarrassingly, I realized what was going on, after viewing Joe's video above.

    On the slide itself, the first five (out of seven) items I typed on the slide were the "right" responses.  So, without thought, when I was testing the quiz, I selected the first five responses listed.  I hadn't noticed that "Shuffle Answers" was selected in the Display group.  Naturally, when I selected the "right" answers - which were shuffled - I received the correct feedback.

    All said and done, the course worked as designed; the tester himself (***ahem***) was what was out of sorts!!!  Ha!

  • No worries, James! Glad you could talk it through with Ron and Joe in this thread.

    Thanks for sharing your process in the thread. This will be helpful for others who come across this post. We're all learning and growing!

    Have a great start to your week!