Forum Discussion

SunetSullivan-7's avatar
Community Member
11 days ago

Need help - navigation locked

I am working on a project I inherited from somebody else and want to change the navigation from locked to free.

The course consists of serveral scenes:

I want the end user to be able to navigate freely between scenes. 

Each of the topics under Moduel 3 for example is a scene.

I have changed the Menu Options to Free: 

But when I publish the file I am unable to jump to a different part of the menu, using the menu as navigaion. For example here I am looking at the first screen and cannot skip to the scene called Integumentary System,

Any thoughts on what the problem could be please?

  • Since the Menu navigation is set to Free, you should be able to jump to any slide.

    The menu remaining locked is what I'd politely called "unexpected behavior." I suggest you submit a case directly to the Articulate staff. You can do that here: 

    • SunetSullivan-7's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you Judy

      I suspect I will have to import the slides into a new project to get this to work. I was hoping to avoid that because it is quite a large file, but that is what I will try first. 

      I appreciate your input.