Forum Discussion
New in Storyline 360: Enhanced Word Translation
Hello Eric,
While I appreciate your response, I can see that you're not up to date with what the issues are.
The problem is that the new export engine exports text segmented and when it's imported in a translation software it appears all broken up.
Translators need to see whole paragraphs to translate correctly, so instead of seeing something like this sentence:
- "So sorry for the trouble with Word translation"
they see things like this for example:
- "So sorry"
- "for the"
- "trouble with Word"
- "translation"
Each line in a different cell, meaning that it will show each line as a different paragraph when imported in the translation software.
To see the issue, you just have to take any storyline file and export it with the old engine and the new engine and compare the results to understand see the segmentation.
Then, understanding why segmentation is bad for translation, is a different matter. You have to work with translators to understand the issue fully, which I hope Articulate would have done when creating a feature that would be used by them.
Besides breaking paragraphs rendering them untranslatable, segmentation, creates another issue for translators. These translation softwares have memory, so they can reuse old translations that have been previously approved so, if they have the following translation for the phrase saved for example:
- "Word translation"
And in the new export it comes as two cells:
- "trouble with Word"
- "translation"
you will see that "Word translation" has been broken appart so it won't be recognised by the memory.
The fixes you are referring to that Articulate made in the past, took 90% segmentation, to 70% segmentation, which really did nothing to solve the problem for translators.
To solve the problem, paragraphs need to be exported complete (in one cell) as they are in the storyline file, regardless of they having words in different colours, bold, italics, etc.
I hope this clarifies the request.