Forum Discussion

AustinSippel's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Organizing Slides in Storyline

Hey there, can anyone explain to me how storyline organizes slides? I have seen multiple posts about this issue but no solid solution. I have attached a picture of a simplified hierarchy and I can't figure out the logic on how it displays slides, or how to change it.. It goes 1.2, 1.5, 1.6, etc. 

All I want is for it to be in order, or know how to change the order manually so I can put it in an order that makes sense.

Does anyone have any insights? Thank you very much.

  • Understand that what you see in the thumbnails is SL’s best attempt at creating a visual approximation of program flow, and has absolutely nothing to do with the way the course will appear to your learners. Only the triggers can change the program flow. Nevertheless, I know it drives our OCD (or CDO as it properly should be) :) friends crazy.

    If you have built this using best practices (“jump to slide name”, rather than “jump to next slide”) it will be easy to change it to what you want.

    The order of the secondary slides from left to right is somewhat controlled by the order of the triggers (if all the triggers are initiated by the same action), and somewhat more by the order in which you created the objects the triggers are attached to. If you want slide 1.3 to be next to 1.2, you will have to move those triggers or objects. That may take a lot of trial and error, and changing the z-position of objects may not be practical. Also know that changing the position of the triggers or objects will not be reflected in the thumbnails until that panel is refreshed.

    If all you want is the slide that is next to 1.2 (1.5), to become 1.3, move it.  Click 1.5, and drag it under 1.2, until you see a blue arrow. drop it, and it will return to its position with a new number. Don’t even think about trying this if your triggers are “jump to next slide”, as it will change the order of how the slides progress.