Storyline 360: Built in quiz result variable format
I have noticed on a new storyline project that the quiz result variables for Passing score and percent have a yellow box highlighting the variable. In an older project I do not see that yellow box. However, if I create a new result slide and add the variable back in on the older project, the box reappears.
I can't for the life of me figure out how to make the box go away. I've looked at slide master, variables, feedback master, text box formatting, etc. Since it is built-in I don't see where any html formatting tags were applied. I tried importing the slide master from the one without the formatting, I tried copying the slide from the one without the formatting.
Nothing is working.
The one without the formatting is a built in variable, not a project one.
That yellow highlighting isn't visible when you Preview or Publish.
When you're editing a Storyline file, the program adds that highlighting to indicate that the text is displaying a custom variable.