Forum Discussion

SeanFriedman's avatar
Community Member
7 years ago

Prevent user from fast forwarding through Audio

Is there a way to prevent the user from advancing the slider in audio/video blocks?

We are trying to make sure the learner can't advance through the media elements of the e-Learning.

  • New Comment as of 02/23/2022

    Hi Articulate Team,  I also have a use case for this.  We love the rapid development tool instead of always using storyline.  But we have two issues.  One due to the fact we do medical training we need to make sure learners can not skip audio.   and second the audio play arrow is so small.  There is no way to put a picture in this block to even bring attention to it.  We have been thinking of creative ways.  

    It seems like the logic changed at one point on the videos.  This same logic would work for the audio files. 

    If anyone has ideas we would appreciate it!

    Star Franz