Forum Discussion

RussLickteig's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Publish settings, disable tracking options

Hey everyone, I have a course with the below tracking options and published as SCORM 1.2.  When we test in SCORM Cloud we get a "Score" when the user passes a pretest even though I have not selected the "When the learner completes a quiz" check box.  (we do not want to use the pretest for scoring) Why is this happening?  Is this a goofy thing with SC 1.2?  We are submitting this course again with 2004 4th hoping this fixes it.  I would assume without the option checked that any quiz results would be ignored.  Do I need to select the Trash Can also to delete the quiz results?  Thanks for any help you can provide.

  • Hi Russ,

    Thanks for reaching out and for sharing the screenshot! Try clicking the Delete button and see if it helps.

    I did that and did not get Score data even though I got a 100% on my Results slide. I also used SCORM 1.2 for the LMS standard.

    I've attached a copy of my test file for your reference.

    Let me know how it goes, and I'll be more than happy to assist further!

  • RussLickteig's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks Eric.  I will try using the delete button.  Is this a bug then since I did not have the checkbox selected for "When the learner completes a quiz"?  I would assume if unchecked there would be no possible way of passing a score from a quiz.  

  • Hi Russ,

    You're right; it should no longer return a score. I ran further tests and confirmed that when the Quiz is unticked in the Tracking options window, the Submit Results trigger in the Results slide is automatically disabled so that it will no longer be reported in the LMS.

    Can you share a copy of your Storyline file here or privately through a support case so we can see if something in your setup causes this behavior? We'll delete it when we're done testing.

    I appreciate your patience!