Forum Discussion

JrnOlsen-79cffc's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Publishing problems

I get this message when I try to Publish my Presenter 360 PP.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<ErrorReport xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<FirstName />
<LastName />
<EmailAddress></EmailAddress>"Changed by me"
<UserId>auth0|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxe</UserId>"Changed by me"
<MachineName>XXO3-L0072</MachineName>"Changed by me"
<HardwareId>xxxxx-NExxV-xxCD0-xxx13-xxxUA</HardwareId>Changed by me"
<Message>Unable to cast object of type 'av2' to type 'aus'.</Message>
<StackTrace> at A_0, IEnumerable`1 A_1, TrackingData A_2)
at A_0, LmsData A_1)
at am9.cs(IPlayerService A_0)
at am9.GetScoringObject(IPlayerService service)
at Articulate.Player.PlayerContentPublisher.CreateContentScoring(IPlayerContentProvider contentProvider)
at Articulate.Player.PlayerWriter.WriteContent(IPlayerContentProvider contentProvider, Nullable`1 merged)
at Articulate.Player.PlayerWriter.Write(IPlayerContentProvider contentProvider)
at Articulate.Design.Publish.TargetContext.PublishBackgroundWorker.OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs e)
at Articulate.ComponentModel.STABackgroundWorker.a(Object A_0)</StackTrace>


Why do I get this Error and how can I fix it. I was able to publish earlier before I added quizzes, edited the menu and added some additional text.


3 Replies

  • Hi Jørn!

    This error indicates that the content is not locally saved, or it could be that you have it saved on a local OneDrive folder on your hard drive, but it's syncing up to the cloud (e.g., OneDrive network). Here's an article about this issue and how to fix it:

    Be sure you're working on your local hard drive (typically your C: drive) when creating, editing, and publishing Studio projects. Working on a network drive or a USB drive can cause erratic behavior, such as file corruption or an inability to save changes. See this article for more information and tips:

    • JrnOlsen-79cffc's avatar
      Community Member


      After using elimination method I found that the issue were the Replay 360
      video which was not working. The publish function worked before I added
      quiz and Replay video, meaning it had to be either quizzes or Replay video.
      After deleting the slide and then create it again it worked.


      *Jørn Olsen*
      Renewables, Offshore cranes, Davit & Winches
      Global Services Division

      *TTS Marine AS*
      Mustadbakken 3 Knarrevik 5355 NOR

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  • Thanks for the update, Jørn. I'm glad that you were able to track this down.

    It looks like your email signature came through when you replied via email. You can remove that if needed by clicking ‘Edit’ beneath your response. Here’s a quick Peek video if you need help.