Forum Discussion

KenShawl's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Question/Answer Analysis


We use Rise for education modules with testing at the end, and export to an internal LMS (Workday). Is there a way to review this data? We are looking to understand, for example, why a question was missed by multiple team members, i.e. did we not educate to it well, was it not worded well, etc. 

  • Only quiz questions get sent to the LMS the knowledge check block questions do not

  • KenShawl's avatar
    Community Member

    ok, thank you! The LMS doesn't give the info we are looking for.



    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Ken,

      Which version of SCORM are you using? SCORM 1.2 does not send question answers to the LMS.

  • Hi all, 

    A similar issue. I am using the knowledge check block in rise and then exporting the course and uploading as a scorm file to WDL. The reporting team have managed to pull a report that appears to show if each question was answered correctly or incorrectly, but does not have the question information. Any advice on how to get the questions themselves to feed through to WDL reporting? Ideally, we want to be able to identify which questions people are struggling with to identify if we need to update the course content.

  • Hi Elisabeth,

    As Phil mentioned, only quiz blocks get sent to the LMS.  But it sounds like you are already using quiz blocks if you can pull up a report showing the responses.

    We'd like to take a closer look at your course.  You can reach out to us here, and our support team will assist you right away to help out with your question.