Forum Discussion

JenniferMaurer's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

Quiz without LMS-require passing grade AND allow user to freely navigate

I would like to set up my course with multiple quizzes and require a passing grade to progress to the next "lesson" (consisting entirely of a form to prove passing grade, as suggested for those not using an LMS).  However, I don't want that requirement to restrict access to future lessons with actual content.  Is there a way to allow user to navigate freely among the content but still require a passing grade to access the lesson immediately following the quiz?

  • Hi Jennifer, 

    It sounds like you need a combination of restricted and free navigation in your course to make your design work. From what I gathered, you need the navigation of the quiz and the form restricted so they can't move away without completing them and have the rest of the course in free navigation. 

    If this is correct, this can't be built in Rise 360 because of limitations with the available navigation options but can be created in Storyline 360 which allows for more flexibility when it comes to setting the navigation for each slide/scene using triggers. I recommend checking out Storyline 360 for this design requirement!