Forum Discussion
Restarting The Whole Training After Second Quiz Attempt fail
Hello All,
Working on finishing my first training here.
I have a final quiz of which I want to limit the attempts to two.
First attempt leads the learner to either review the results or re-take the quiz.
Second attempt failure should lead the learner to restart the whole training.
Now the way I was able to achieve that is to make two scenes with the two attempts, making the results trigger differ on the second one and resetting all training knowledge checks and tests.
However, for the sake of making the published SCORM smaller in size, I want to know how to make all the above in one scene.
I know a little bit about variables, so variable-related suggestions are welcome.
- MarcCuypers-78cCommunity Member
Hi Ramadan,
variables it is, then!
But first, you'll need to add another layer to your results-slide, named "Try Again" or something. You can copy&paste your existing Failed-Layer to create this new layer and add a 'Try Again'-button from the result layer's 'Design'-tab.
Now, you add a variable "LastTry" to your project (type True/False, default False).
Then, you add another trigger to the base layer of your results slide with the trigger: "Show Layer 'Try Again' WHEN timeline starts on 'this Slide' IF Quiz..ScorePoints < Variable Quiz.PassPoints AND LastTry = FALSE;
Also, add the condition 'IF LastTry = TRUE' to the result slide's base layer's already existing trigger that shows the Failed-layer.
Lastly, you add a trigger 'Change variable 'LastTry' to TRUE when timeline starts on 'this layer'' to your 'Try Again'-layer.
Unless I'm forgetting something, that should do the trick.
- RamadanElsayedCommunity Member
Got it and worked, but with numbered variable.
Thanks Marc for the help.