Forum Discussion
Rise - Can you copy a block between lessons?
I made several lessons in Rise, and each lesson has multiple blocks. Is it possible to copy a block from one lesson to another? I found I can duplicate blocks within a lesson, and I can duplicate entire lessons. I'm trying to copy one bock of a lesson into another existing lesson. Thanks.
- SharonDoucetCommunity Member
This feature would be Extremely helpful for re-organizing lessons. Any ETA on when this feature will be available?
Hi Jim,
Great question - there isn't a way to copy a block from one lesson into another, but if you knew you were going to use the same set up of blocks within a lesson (or similar enough) you could look at duplicating an entire lesson and then editing/deleting as necessary from the duplicate.
It does sound like a good feature request though, so I'll add it to the list we've shared with our Product team. Keep the good ideas coming and hope you're enjoying Rise!