Forum Discussion
Rise - Language and labels editing
There's no need to upload any file, really. It's not file specific this case :) There are missing translations that are not easily accessible to translate.
You can easily look up the content of index.html file after publishing rise. There are labels that aren't translatable directly in Rise webapp.
In line 84 in index.html file there is window.labelSet variable, which has some labels translated that shows in Rise Webapp, for example "result":"wynik","search":"szukaj" and then there are some labels that are not translated like "audioPlayerGroup":"Audio player. You can use the space bar to toggle playback and arrow keys to scrub." or even "buttonGroup":"Button" (all buttons in course will be read as button, in english, not as a translated "przycisk" like I'd love to) and these are not present in labels settings in Rise webapp.
That's normally not a big problem, but if you want your course to be accessible (WCAG standard), these labels are being read by NVDA/JAWS reader. So, these cannot be translated via Rise webapp and I end with half polish half english course. BTW it's more than a half of labels that aren't translated.
All that could be manually translated by me, but the window.labelSet in line 84 is ignored, because labels are once again stored in window.courseData. They are encrypted to base64. Thus it's really painful to edit them.
What I'd like to do is to tell 'published rise' to use window.labelSet translation instead of the encrypted one in window.courseData. This way I can easily change the labels.
I really understand why not every of these label is directly translatable via Rise Webapp, there are MANY of them. And most cases it's not even necessary.
Proper html language matter is tied to this. The label "iso639Code" is set default to "en", with window.labelSet it could be easily set to whatever I want.
There should probably be some developer way to switch to using window.labelSet instead the hardcoded ones, yes?
Hi Mateusz! I can see that you've opened a support case for this and have been working with Robert. You're in good hands!