Forum Discussion

BridgettHorn's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Rise - SCORM 2004 Not Reporting Interaction Data

We are having issues with SCORM 2004 export of Rise courses not reporting the individual student responses on quizzes to the LMS (Totara v.12).  We need to track how the users are responding to questions (specifically looking at what they are choosing).  When we export the Rise course to SCORM 2004 (tried both 3rd and 4th edition), the student response information isn't being passed to the LMS.  When we export the same Rise course in SCORM 1.2, we do get all the student response data (see attached).  Is there anyway to get this information included in the SCORM 2004 export?

  • Hi Bridgette! Thanks so much for including those attached screenshots. 

    Have you done any testing in SCORM Cloud yet?  If so, are you getting the same results? We generally compare the behavior in SCORM Cloud to your LMS experience. This helps us to parse out RIse 360 file issues versus LMS issues.  

    We are happy to help you with that testing if you'd like to share your output file! You can click here to open a case and share the file privately with us.