Forum Discussion

KevinNolty's avatar
Community Member
31 days ago

RISE 360 - Refresh iFrame manually to load content in LMS

I am unable to view RISE 360 SCORM content (Storyline 360 content works fine) on my LMS (SuccessFactors) in MS Edge browser without manually selecting "refresh frame". The course initially loads and then goes blank; however I can right-click on the blank content screen and choose "refresh frame" to load the content. Pop-up blockers are off, but I know my organization has MS Edge locked down a bit. Is there a selection in MS Edge I need to turn on, or is there a script I can add to automatically refresh frame once it loads?

I found the following code that I think can work, but I am not sure which file to add it to and where. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

<div class="overlay-content"> //Content container needed for CSS Styling
    <div id="Reloader"> 
        //iFrame will be reloaded into this div

    //Script to reload the iframe when the page loads
        function aboutReload() { 
            $("#Reloader").html('<iframe id="Reloader" height="355px" width="830px" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="about.html"></iframe>');

  • Craig_Smith's avatar
    Community Member

    Hello, we are experiencing the same issue with new articulate courses displayed within iFrames in our LMS. The version used to generate the problematic course:

      <!-- Created using Storyline 360 x64 -  -->
      <!-- version: 3.88.32574.0 -->

    The following console errors are also visible:

    Error: <svg> attribute height: A negative value is not valid. ("-48.56944444444444")
        setElAttrsAndProps @ bootstrapper.min.js:2
    Error: <svg> attribute width: A negative value is not valid. ("-139.93055555555554")
        at setElAttrsAndProps (bootstrapper.min.js:2)
    Error: <svg> attribute height: A negative value is not valid. ("-8.125")
      at setElAttrsAndProps (bootstrapper.min.js:2)
    Error: <svg> attribute width: A negative value is not valid. ("-16.430555555555554")
      at setElAttrsAndProps (bootstrapper.min.js:2)

    I have not had any luck reverse-engineering the minimized code path that triggers it.

    Reloading the frame as you suggest does indeed fix the issue, thank you for the suggestion Kevin. We are introducing a temporary fix similar to yours.

    I can also confirm that the issue does not present itself when the same course is loaded in a popup window, or loaded directly in a new window. It seems to be related exclusively to SCORM courses rendered within iFrames.

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi CraigSmith-ff78,

      Happy to chime in!

      You can test your course in SCORM Cloud to see if the behavior you're experiencing is specific to your LMS. Here are my recommendations:

      If you can replicate the behavior in SCORM Cloud while using Storyline 360's latest version, please share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case so we can test and analyze what's happening. We'll delete it when we're done!

      • Craig_Smith's avatar
        Community Member

        Hello JoseTansengco ! Thank you for the suggestion, I was unaware that SCORM cloud allowed us to select a launch type. I can confirm that there are no issues with the course in SCORM Cloud when setting launch type to frameset. Which is very odd, as I can't see any distinct differences between their setup with this option toggled on and ours.

        I would be questioning whether our SCORM API was to blame but these courses work fine in our LMS when we open the course in a popup window. The fact that it works in a frame with a manual reload makes me think this must be some race condition but I've made no further progress towards figuring out the exact conditions that trigger it.

        I would also be questioning my sanity if not for the fact that Kevin is experiencing the same issues in an entirely separate environment (SuccessFactors). Our LMS is required to work on local servers without an internet connection, so we cannot use third-party SCORM providers' services.

        If you are willing to work with us to investigate further let me know, we can ask one of our client's content provider to build a course without sensitive information and setup a testing environment that we can share with you. For now, we have built a toggleable hack to reload the frame so they can continue using Articulate courses.