Forum Discussion

JennyArmanious's avatar
Community Member
6 years ago

Rise 360 Process Interaction


I recently watched the Production Tips for Working in Rise 360 webinar that Tom Kuhlmann put on and saw that the Process Interaction shown did not have "Step 1" listed at the top. Instead is says "2 of 9". How can I get me process to display that way?

Images are attached- the first one is from the webinar and the second one is mine.

Thanks for your help!


  • Hello Jenny,

    Originally, the process interaction was a separate lesson type and looked a bit different. We updated Rise to make the process interaction a lesson block which provides much more flexibility. With that the interaction changed a little.

    We show the number and position at the bottom which makes the label redundant. Thus the block doesn't have that 1 of 5 label. I must have been showing an older process interaction created prior to the update.

    • KathyHartung-Kr's avatar
      Community Member

      I am not seeing the updated Process interaction.  I am looking for the same thing - NO label on the top.  Any thoughts about why I don't have the updated?


      • Crystal-Horn's avatar

        Hi there, Kathy. When you add a new process block to your lessons, you'll have the most up to date version. You can use the Settings tab of the block to change the label text, including adding just a space to have no text at all. The step number will still be present, however:

        Let me know if you're seeing something different.

  • Do you recall which interaction it was? I can update it to get rid of confusion.

  • Oops, I must have attached my image twice. It's too bad, because I would love to eliminate the "Step 1" at the top. Right now the only option is to have the same header across all of the slides. 

    • EllenPrice's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks for posting, Jenny.

      I hopped on hoping to find a way to change that title too as I am presenting information that may not always occur in the same order.

  • And Tom, great demo! It was nice to get different ideas on how to use all the blocks in Rise 

  • Thanks. 

    You could try different ways to show the process without the process interaction. For example, put text and images on a PPT slides and save the slides as PNG and then use the image carousel. Or you the timeline interaction. 

  • AnthonyGoss's avatar
    Community Member

    You can also change the label of the step.  If you leave it blank, it will show the number only.  I use mine as a slide show, similar to PowerPoint.  I have audio narration, the image or video file, and then the text.  I use "Slide" as the label.  The slides are then numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.  

  • Hello!

    I too would like to remove the "Step X" from the top of each process page. I have left the "step label" content blank under "Settings" for the process interaction, but I'm still getting "Step X" on each page. 

    I'd also like to remove the summary page, but I'm guessing that's not an option. 



  • You can edit that by selecting the set square (triangle ruler), then look down for Step Label. The current default (08.28.2024) says "Strategy" in that field.