Forum Discussion

LizD's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

RIse: Export to PDF: produces a single blank page pdf

Exporting to PDF results in a single blank page pdf for existing courses in my account.

If I create a new course from scratch, Export to PDF functions as intended.

If I copy content from an existing course to the newly-created course, Export to PDF once again produces only a single blank page.

I've submitted a support request, but since others here seem to be having Export issues in the last 24 hours, I thought I'd raise the issue here as well.


  • DavidMcCoy's avatar
    Community Member

    Inserting a "Multimedia/Audio" "block" into a lesson caused the bug for us. It wasn't the audio file itself. I tested wav, OGG, and mp3 in many locations within the course. Everytime a course had one of the audio "block" insertions, the PDF became blank. Removing the audio "block" allowed the course to create a normal PDF. My work around was to create a video with a still image and have the audio play in the background. PDFs work with video blocks. 

  • Same problem here.  This course is a “branch” with forced navigation turned off and a quiz in each branch.   Is that your situation too?

  • I have the same issue. I don't have branching but I have forced navigation turned off as well.

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Liz,

    Our PDF exports are working normally (Includes all pages). 

  • LizD's avatar
    Community Member

    Update: Tech support has reproduced the issue with the file I shared with them, and are investigating it as a potential Rise software bug.

    For anyone else experiencing this issue, it might get us all to a resolution more quickly if you're willing/able to file a support request, and share your files with the tech support team. That will give them more data to work with. Thanks!

  • LizD's avatar
    Community Member

    David, you are definitely an e-learning hero!

    I just tried removing the Audio blocks from my course, and it now exports to PDF. If I add an Audio block back in, the PDF export issue re-occurs.

    Thank you so much for this insight -- I'll pass it along to the tech support team. Cheers!

  • LizD's avatar
    Community Member

    Update: the bug appears to be fixed!

    Thanks so much for the quick turnaround by the Rise tech support and engineering team, and kudos to David for pointing the way with the Audio block intel.

  • Hi folks.

    That is correct. We've updated Rise, and you should now be able to download a course as a PDF, even if it has an audio block. Be sure to refresh your page before trying it out. Liz, I am glad to hear it is working for you. David, thank you for your help on this.