Forum Discussion
Rise Flashcard: Card background color or image
I am wondering if there is a way to change the color of the flashcards themselves in Rise. We are wanting to use our company's branding and image on the flashcards (front and back of cards). Then we need to be able to write on the cards. This would be a nice feature to be added to Rise please.
At the moment, I can only change the card background to an image or text, but not both together.
Thank you
- MichaelBauerCommunity Member
I guess you could make an image (e.g. in Photoshop) and put text on it, save it as a jpg/png and then upload the image. Might be a good workaround to begin with.
- SumantMurugeshCommunity Member
Thank you Michael. This is the workaround we are adopting at the moment. I will log a feature request as per Allison's message.
- PatriciaRaymondCommunity Member
Hi did you put in a feature request that I can +1 instead of adding a separate one?
Thanks for jumping in here, Michael! :)
Hi Sumant,
Great question! Unfortunately, it's not currently possible to put both text and an image on the same side of a flashcard.
Michael's workaround seems like it would be the best option for now, however if you have time to log a feature request and tell us more about your specific needs, that would be super helpful!
Let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with.
- SumantMurugeshCommunity Member
Thank you Allison. I will log a feature request. Hope to see the feature soon :-)
Sure thing! :)
- PatriciaRaymondCommunity Member
while this is a good workaround for those that can interact with the image visually - it's not a great solution for accessibility. You can add an alt tag to the picture, but it would be simpler if you could combine graphics and text. (i'll go +1 the request)
- JacquelineSt722Community Member
Hi Allison,
Has this been added as a feature yet? (Putting text and an image on the same side of a flashcard).
Thanks, Jacqui
Thanks for letting us know what you'd like to see, Patricia! We have our eyes on all feature requests here in E-Learning Heroes, as well as the requests we receive through our feature request form.
I've made a note of your requests!
- ElaineColliarCommunity Member
Fabulous - just searching for a solution to this myself - until its an option I will hit up canva and do it there then import X
Hi Jacqueline,
While there isn't a way to add text over a flashcard image in Rise 360, you could easily add text to an image in PowerPoint. Here's how:
- Open a blank PowerPoint slide, and import the image onto the slide.
- Add a text box on top of the image, and type the desired text.
- Select both the image and the text box by holding down the Shift key and clicking both objects.
- Right-click the selected objects, and choose Group.
- Right-click the group, and choose Save as Picture.
- Save the image to your hard drive, then import it into Rise 360.
Let me know if that works for you!
- SherryMcKinn912Community Member
Hello Articulate Staff - How do you change the white Rise Flashcard blocks to individual colors? I learned how to change the background color from the notes above, but can't find any instructions on changing the individual block colors. Thanks.
Hi Sherry! You can't change the color of the individual Flashcards themselves, but you can certainly add an image with the color you want with the text already on it. That being said, we understand the need for this so if we make any changes to how the Flashcards work, we'll reach out!
- SherryMcKinn912Community Member
Hello Renz- Thanks for your reply and for considering a new feature in Rise: the ability to colorize individual flashcards!
Yes, my colleague used your suggestion by creating a background color for each flashcard with text as .jpgs in Adobe Illustrator.
[cid:image001.png@01D768D7.E4DC2910]I plan to tell her how to use two sets of flashcards so she can have her 4 flashcards appear as 2-up and 2-down like the cards are in a block thanks to the suggestion from one of your readers.
All the best,
- JenObandoCommunity Member
I think this feature request is much needed. It would be great to be able to tailor the front/back view with text, color, and image as needed.
- RogerMayhew-2e9Community Member
If this request has been raised is there a way of putting a link to it on the forum so others can cast their votes as well.
Hi there, Roger. We track feature requests internally, and we don't have a voting system. We moderate every reply in our forums, however, and we take into consideration the number of people impacted by a request.
We've counted your voice!
- MichelleLeve047Community Member
Any update on this?
No updates right now, Michelle. Thanks for checking in!