Forum Discussion
Scroll text and Accessibility
Hi Jacek!
Thank you for taking the time to share these details with us! I'd love to clarify anything and offer details on any bugs that we currently have logged.
I'll start with the TAB button and Keyboard arrows.
In previous updates, you might've found that a screen reader would only read the content when it was tabbed to. This was an easy approach for authors but it's not the correct way to interact with a course if you're relying on a screen reader. For example, if a visually impaired user tabbed through an entire slide then they wouldn't be able to stop the screen reader in the middle of a text box with lots of wording. Keyboard arrows are used to move through parts of a text box, radio buttons, horizontal scrolling, tab panel, etc.
Next, to move through a number of buttons you'll need to use the arrow keys. Similar to tabbing to radio buttons, you can tab to the first button and then use the arrow keys to move through the following interactive buttons. The logic beyond this is to meet WCAG compliance.
Scrolling Panels aren't currently keyboard accessible. This is a bug that our team has logged and working to release a fix. When I have more information on the release, I'll share here!
Can you switch to just using TAB for Storyline courses?
Since the previous versions of Storyline relied on tabbing through a course, you could reinstall previous versions using the desktop app.
If you have any other questions, please let me know!