Forum Discussion

AshlynRoberto-8's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Set next button to disabled until all hotspots are visited

Hi - I would like to set the next button to disabled until all the hotspots are visited then it should appear normal - I can't figure this out! Can someone drop me a screenshot of what the two triggers should look like? I have a bunch of hotspots on one slide - file attached.

  • Hi Ashlyn,

    The easiest way I can think to do this would be to set the state of each of your close layer buttons to "visited" when your user clicks them. Then you can use conditions for your next button so that it checks that all the layers have been visited first before letting the user move on. I've attached what those triggers would look like with less layers, but it would be the same process.


    • AshlynRoberto-8's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks Catherine ! For the state trigger, how did you get it to look like that with the dashes? Did I do it right?

  • The dashes indicate that I have the "group triggers" setting turned on (the check box at the top right of the triggers list). It makes it easier to view multiple actions triggered by the same event (the "When" under the trigger wizard), but it doesn't impact functionality.

    It looks like you have the state of the close button being visited under your conditions right now. If you remove it from the conditions, you can copy and paste your first trigger that hides the layer when the user clicks close and then change the action from "Hide layer/this layer" to "change state/Close 1 to visited".