Forum Discussion

  • I can't explain why that caption and marker went wonky. Gremlins? (That's as good an explanation as any.) 

    Fortunately, I found a fix (which has been implemented in the attached file):

    • Create a new layer to replace the original "Question" layer.
    • Copy the caption and marker from a working layer into the new layer, and adjust the sizing and placement as needed.
    • Copy the "Question" caption and marker text and paste it into the caption and marker on new layer.
    • Edit the base trigger so open the new layer instead of the original.
  • Thank you so much for your help. So there wasn't anything wrong with the way I had it set up, it was just a weird technology thing?

    • JudyNollet's avatar
      Super Hero

      Yup, your setup was fine. The problem was  "a weird technology thing." Sometimes, objects or files get corrupted for no apparent reason. In cases like the one you had, it often works to just start with a new slide or layer.