Forum Discussion

MicheleMicha's avatar
Community Member
7 years ago

Slow down computer voice audio narration in Storyline 360?


I am using Storyline 360 and, per the clients' request, using the computer generated voice of Amy for audio narration. We would like to slow down the speed at which the narration plays back. Is this do-able in Storyline 360 or do I have to export to an audio editing program and edit there? 

Thank you 



  • Hi, everyone!

    I have some great news to share. We just released another update for Storyline 360. In Update 83, we've included important fixes and new features!

    One of the new features we've included:

    Launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer to take advantage of this update, and click the Update button next to Storyline 360. You'll find our step-by-step instructions here.

    Please let me know if you need additional help!

  • Hi there, Michele. Your best bet would be to use an audio editing tool.  The audio editor in Storyline can do quite a few things, but that level of editing isn't supported.

    We're tracking requests for more editing capabilities with text-to-speech, so I'll add this discussion.  That way we can keep you updated!

  • Adobe Audition can do a creditable job of slowing down a narration track. That's how I usually do it if I narrate something and there is a passage where I speak too fast.


  • MicheleMicha's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks everyone! I do use Audacity so will export/import/tweak/import again.  Thanks for adding this discussion, Crystal. It will be a helpful feature. 

    Have a good day, Michele

  • KCChou's avatar
    Community Member

    I am the late comer on this discussion.  What is the latest status?  It has been 3 years since the most recent post on slowing down our text to speech colleagues.  I am hoping for improvement.  We have audience whose native language is not English.  The speed poses additional challenges in their learning process.  The demo speech is quite normal.  However, the speech over the text was very fast.

  • Hi, KC.

    Thank you for reaching out!

    We have a couple of similar requests, so I want to make sure I add your name to the correct one. The original post in this discussion asks for the author's ability to slow down the text-to-speech audio. We also have a feature request logged to allow learners to slow down or speed up the audio. 

    I'm happy to add your voice to either (or both) those requests!

    • KCChou's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Maria,
      I am glad to hear that multiple individuals are interested in the audio narration slow-down. I am interested in both author and learners slow-down capability. However, my first priority would be the author controlled speed on text-to-speech feature.

      I hope there is enough interest out there that would place this request to a higher priority. We have a lot of learners whose first language is not English. Having the ability to control the pace of text-to-speech would enhance their learning.

      Thank you.
      KC Chou

  • This feature is needed. I've noticed on my newest computer, the narration speed has increased and is hard to understand due to how fast the narration goes. Having an incremental speed adjustment (global would be awesome) on computer narration is needed. 

  • Hi, everyone!

    I have some great news to share. We just released another update for Storyline 360. In Update 83, we've included important fixes and new features!

    One of the new features we've included:

    Launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer to take advantage of this update, and click the Update button next to Storyline 360. You'll find our step-by-step instructions here.

    Please let me know if you need additional help!