Forum Discussion

FrederiquePurno's avatar
Community Member
12 months ago

Sorting activity not working

Hi, I got the feedback from two people that they were unable to complete a sorting activity. When moving a block, there was no correct answer that could be given. After trying and repeating a few times, the answer was accepted. This occurred when they were doing it in Review 360. 

  • Hi Frederique! I'm sorry to hear that some of your users are having issues with the sorting activity in your Rise course.

    I see that my colleague Johnrey is assisting you with your concern. If you still have questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reply back to Johnrey. I'm sure he's more than happy to continue working with you regarding your concern.

    Have a good one!

  • AK6's avatar
    Community Member

    I'm having the same trouble with multiple people in my organization not being able to complete the activity at all on a first try. Often, when they come back to the activity after a few more tries, they can get past it. This is obviously not ideal in an organization of almost 100,000 people. Would someone please reach out to me with a solution.

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Please be more specific about the issue. What is not working? What is the specific problem that they are experiencing that is preventing them from completing the activity on a first try.? 

      • AK6's avatar
        Community Member

        I eventually got it to work for one learner, but we had to drag the card on top of what seems the perfect center of the box. It seems to be a magical, inconsistent spot that some learners cannot find. Any suggestions? Sorry the video is a bit blurry, but you can see and hear what is happening.
        I tried clearing the cache in cookies in Microsoft Edge and that only resets the course. The learner still had the same trouble when they got to this spot in the course. So, to repeat myself, when I took over during a sharing session in Microsoft Teams and drug the card to what seems the perfect spot over one of the 4 boxes they could choose from, the correct box accepted it. But this is not a practical solution where 20 people so far have experienced this problem even though we have an organization of approx. 92,000. We expect a number of people more in the tens or maybe a hundred may complain of this throughout the next few weeks.
        I have seen other complaints about this in the Articulate Community over 2022 and 2023 and it eventually works for people, but this simply will not work for these 20 people so far until I do it. Or the potential multitudes over the coming days.

  • AK6's avatar
    Community Member

    @muller, karl - may I email you the video or do you understand what is happening?


    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      You can attach files to your posts as long as you do it here in the forum itself, and not using email.

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member


      I replicated your block, and did not encounter the same issues after repeating the block several times.

      I know that's not useful to solving your problem, but it does indicate it's not a widespread problem in Rise.

  • PhilFoss's avatar
    Community Member

    In AK's video, the user is dropping the card when their cursor is outside of the droppable area. This is because they are grabbing the grab handle icon at the bottom of the card, but when you have 4 categories, the drop area is smaller than the dragging card, so the drag handle ends up below the droppable area. Karl is placing cursor in middle of the card, so it works fine. I would file this under a UX bug.

  • AK6's avatar
    Community Member

    @Foss, Phil - Thank you!!! That's exactly what is wrong! Cannot thank you enough. It is a UX error, but something Articulate should fix. People have complained about the fussiness of this interaction for a couple years or more and nothing has been done as far as I know.