Forum Discussion
Story View print out?
Hi there - I think the answer is this is not possible. What I think is being asked is can we have a schema print view (think relationships view in MS Access).
The issue is this is fairly complex code base - PowerPoint does not have this feature..... It would be very useful for a large number of us, especially when creating schemas (which can be complex and non linear). You can use a screen shot tool (scroll about until you get the whole schema), but it may lack resolution and have rather "long" links.
I have wanted to do this for over 10 years, and when I first bought SL1 it crashed more than Crypto, BUT - SL is a great tool now and instead, I start with a schema elsewhere usually and just try keep the two "Synced".
I feel we are a little unfair to Articulate - we have a great product but it is not that easy... Remember - SL started out as essentially PowerPoint with PlugIns (amped up). I tried getting MS Access to create eLearning and popped a request in but to no avail (forgive me for being flippant, and to be fair - I have used it to create eLearning using a database back end a long time ago - with automation to boot...).
To summarise, in my personal opinion this would be a very very useful tool, especially for those of us who think in a database type way but I accept that at the moment this is not on the Radar. Perhaps there is an elegant alternative but for now, I use a pencil and an A3 pad (and rubber and ruler).
Would it be a great feature? Yes
Would it be really useful for collaboration? Yes
Would it improve dev time? Yes
Would it help in lots of ways? Yes
Will it happen? Today isn't looking good, and tomorrow ain't our day either...
Missed opportunity - Yes (for me at least).
Keep up the great work everyone and thanks Articulate - it is a great tool.....