Forum Discussion

MicheleBuddie's avatar
Community Member
10 months ago

Storyline 360 - JAWS 2022 not reading first object on slide layer correctly

Hello, I have a carousel type interaction (see attached file) where only some slide layers are not being read correctly by JAWS. This interaction is set up to work such that you select the Down arrow, a new slide layer of content appears, and you continue in that fashion until you reach the end of the content. You can also navigate backward through the content with the Up arrow button. 

The expectation with JAWS is that when I select the down arrow, a new slide layer loads and the heading for that slide layer gets read. This happens correctly on Panel 1: select down arrow and Panel 2 slide layer content appears, and the Panel 2 heading gets focus and is read. However, when I select the down arrow on Panel 2, the slide layer content for Panel 3 shows, and the Panel 3 heading has focus, but it is incorrectly read as "down arrow" with JAWS 2022 (version 2211.7). This continues to happen until we get to Panel 6 slide layer: when that slide layer shows, the down arrow is disabled, and the heading is read correctly. 

A similar issue happens when you start navigating backward: from Panel 6, if you select the Up arrow, Panel 5 content loads, but the focus goes to the Next button and the Next button is read instead of the Panel 5 heading. If you navigate to the Up button and select it again, Panel 4 loads and the Panel 4 heading is read correctly. The remainder of the slide layer headings are read correctly when you select the Up button to navigate back to the beginning of the panels. 

Can you tell me why these 2 behaviors are happening and what I can do to fix them (or if it is a Storyline bug?)

  • Hi Michele!

    Sorry to hear you've hit this setback while navigating a Storyline course with the JAWS screenreader!

    I see that you've connected with my colleague Philam through a support case. Great move! We can continue troubleshooting through your case to keep all information in one spot.