Forum Discussion
Storyline 360 screen recording issue
Hi. I've been trying to insert a screen recording into Storyline 360 but it keeps disappearing.
Slides > Record screen > (Do recording) > Insert slides in "New scene" > Insert > Takes a while to load and then disappears
Also tried Insert slides in > 1 untitled scene and still no luck
During two instances out of six it did work and the recording appeared as a new scene, and it also brought up a box to "Save" the screen recoding locally with the format of .fbr?
Help is appreciated!
Hello GraceHood,
Sorry to hear that you ran into this issue.
That behavior is not normal. Please ensure you're working locally when creating your screen recordings to minimize the risk of issues with saving. If you're already working locally, try repairing your Storyline 360 installation to see if this fixes the behavior. If the issue persists, open a case with our support team here to connect with a support engineer who can help with additional troubleshooting.