Forum Discussion

AlexanderLeal's avatar
Community Member
7 years ago

Storyline block does not autoplay in mobile

Hi. I attached a SL block on my Rise course and I wanted it autoplay on display. It is fine on desktop but when I preview on mobile, I notice that it doesn't autoplay. Any ideas on how to fix this? TIA.

  • RondaOtey's avatar
    Community Member

    Hello...I am having the same problem. I have multiple Storyline Blocks in several Rise courses and when switching to mobile the play button comes up but when I click it nothing happens. I cannot get the SL Block to play. Do I need to adjust the Player or the how I publish? If I cannot get the SL Blocks to work in Rise I will need to move these sections out of SL and into Rise blocks. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

  • Hi Ronda! Thanks for letting us know what's going on. It sounds like something isn't working correctly in your course when viewing from a mobile device. Would you mind if we tested it from our side?

    If that works for you, please send us your course Share link by opening a case

  • I have the same concern as Bas Bruggink.  I get complaints because individuals don't understand they need to close the SL-interaction before moving on.  Is this update in the works?

    • Crystal-Horn's avatar

      Hi there, Denise. We don't have immediate plans to enhance the X button to close Storyline blocks on mobile devices.

      While we're still monitoring the impact, the best suggestion is to let learners know how to close that interaction with some on-screen instructions. Hopefully that will help mitigate most of the confusion!

      • DeniseMann-0950's avatar
        Community Member

        hopefully it'll be coming soon.  The play button and having to close the block makes it less cumbersome because of the extra clicks.Thank you for response.Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

  • I really want to emphasize how poor of an experience this is for users, and how strongly I believe there should at least be an option to make the Storyline block just a natural part of the course. It's really holding Rise back from its full potential, especially on mobile. To be totally blunt: we do not use Storyline blocks at all, solely because it's so unintuitive for users in the current state. And we really, really want to use Storyline blocks.

    Storyline blocks should be readily interactable just like every other block, rather than locked away in box that looks like a video. I know the current setup is the intended behavior, but it's a really, really bad intended behavior. The rationale given in the post linked earlier is that it respects the limited phone screen size, but have you seen phone screens lately? They're massive. And shouldn't the onus be on the content creator to design their Storyline blocks with respect to screen sizes, rather than simply being hindered?

    • DeniseMann-0950's avatar
      Community Member

      I agree. I'm not going to be able to use them together.  Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

  • As I have mentioned on more than one occasion, if you are looking for something you need to do with Rise, they are always give the same answers: you can't, request the feature, we dont have plans, etc.

    Rise is likely to be a product purchased by Articulate from a third party and resold to us, which is why its development is so slow and limited as it is not dependent on them.

  • Hi everyone! I want to assure you that Rise 360 (and is a product that is fully engineered by developers at Articulate. You can check out the evolution of features and fixes released here.

    Storyline blocks will automatically play in desktop devices with some rules around media on the first slide. Storyline content will not autoplay on mobile devices because of media autoplay restrictions in mobile browsers. This particular behavior is controlled Storyline, and we don't have plans to change how Storyline launches on mobile devices at this time. 

    Please let me know if anything comes up for you around Storyline blocks in Rise!

  • NatalieSikes's avatar
    Community Member

    I agree with all comments. Articulate has not made any upgrades to Rise for a couple of years. The Storyline blocks should look seamless on a mobile phone. I have several Storyline blocks that do not have any video, audio, or animations, but the user still has to click the play button on a black screen on a phone. Overall, Rise is very inflexible with limited block options. I was hoping that new blocks and more flexibility would be built in over time, but this has not been the case.

    Is there a plan for a Rise update anytime soon? This is long overdue.

    • AngeloCruz's avatar

      Hello there! On mobile browsers, Storyline blocks will not autoplay. You'll see the play button to launch the Storyline content. On tablets, the Storyline content should play in line with the Rise 360 lesson.

      We're tracking the impact of this behavior, and I'll update this post if we make any changes to how Storyline blocks appear on smaller mobile screens.