Forum Discussion
Storyline block does not autoplay in mobile
I really want to emphasize how poor of an experience this is for users, and how strongly I believe there should at least be an option to make the Storyline block just a natural part of the course. It's really holding Rise back from its full potential, especially on mobile. To be totally blunt: we do not use Storyline blocks at all, solely because it's so unintuitive for users in the current state. And we really, really want to use Storyline blocks.
Storyline blocks should be readily interactable just like every other block, rather than locked away in box that looks like a video. I know the current setup is the intended behavior, but it's a really, really bad intended behavior. The rationale given in the post linked earlier is that it respects the limited phone screen size, but have you seen phone screens lately? They're massive. And shouldn't the onus be on the content creator to design their Storyline blocks with respect to screen sizes, rather than simply being hindered?
I agree. I'm not going to be able to use them together. Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone