Forum Discussion

MarcusMiers's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Storyline Design: Phishing Simulation Demo

I just launched a phishing simulation that's getting some great feedback and I wanted to share it out here.

Instead of using imagery that focus on the level of potential risk (hackers, broken computers, etc.), I designed the course's graphics and interactions to be a more positive experience than other IT security courses I've seen. It's the difference between designing around a scarcity mindset versus an abundance mindset. The training adopts a coaching tone to highlight common strategies to look for in phishing attempts.

Here's the link: Phishing Simulation Sample

Is anyone else out there building compliance courses with delight and engaging visuals at the forefront? I'd love any feedback you may have!


    • MarcusMiers's avatar
      Community Member

      This was one of the big pieces of inspiration for the end product! We needed a way to add it to our LMS. We're also encouraging our employees to stop using Gmail instead of their Microsoft accounts for security reasons, so it was an intentional move to step away from all the Gmail branding.

  • SheetalPal's avatar
    Community Member

    That's wonderful Marcus!! Really loved it.

     I did try my hand at creating one with google images. It was a pretty basic one. But your's seem way out of the league. It's neat, attractive, simple yet engaging. 

    Would love to hear how you went about it. I mean the different elements used including the hovering to check the details.


  • Hi Marcus, would I be piling on if I asked you if you would mind sharing the project with me. I am looking for a different look and feel for the same old phishing corporate training and your is so fresh and clean and...well-presented.

  • NicholasYong's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Marcus, is it possible to share the storyline file for the sample? 


    • SarahHodge's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi Nicholas and welcome to E-Learning Heroes! 😊

      It looks like Marcus shared the story file here: 

      Marcus Miers

      Hello everyone! Thanks for your patience. Here is a link to download the Phishing simulation:

      • SheetalPal's avatar
        Community Member

        Thanks and appreciate you Sarah for sharing Marcus response to our ask.

        And Marcus,

        Thanks a ton, that was really a great gesture.

        Kind regards,

  • AndyWYNTK's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Marcus

    We've done quite a bit of work in this area, initially with out Spotting Phishing Emails video - which covers a lot of the areas that you do in your example. However, we then came to the point when customers were saying - 'What now? We need something which has the same message, but is new'.

    So we cam up with three short videos which explain more about how phishing attacks work and the importance of reporting potential phishing emails. You can see all these videos on our Showreel page

    Cyber training is an ongoing thing, and I think the challenge will be how we maintain levels of awareness in new and interesting ways. Personally, I think the simulation approach will be used more and more - where users receive fake phishing emails and are tracked on whether they open them or not.

  • HI Marcus, is there a way for you to send the storyline to my email, please


  • Late to the party and I gotta say - Marcus - this is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing!