Forum Discussion

DianePeters's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Temporarily disable topbar link

Is there a way to temporarily disable links in the player topbar like you can with the player buttons? I have a link that needs to be in the topbar for all but one or two slides and I need to disable it for those slides.


Thanks in advance,


  • If you use the recourse tab in the player for your links, you can turn this tab on or off via each slide properties.

  • DianePeters's avatar
    Community Member

    I have the built-in player tabs configured slide-by-slide as well as the Resources link in the topbar. What I need to do is customize the additional topbar links I've added slide-by-slide (I do not want them in Resources.) I cannot find a way to do that.

  • Hi, Diane.

    Thank you for clarifying!

    Custom tabs cannot be removed from specific slides, only the built-in ones.

    We have a feature request logged to hide custom tabs in the player.

    I will update this discussion if I have any news to share or if this request makes it to our feature roadmap. 

  • DianePeters's avatar
    Community Member

    UPDATE: Since I made this request 11 months ago, we transitioned to Workday for our LMS and encountered a lot of problems with the built-in Resources tab. If anyone viewing a course in Workday clicks the Resources tab it overtakes the content window and there is no way back except to close the window and relaunch the course, something that is not intuitive and very frustrating to our learners. This happens with hyperlinks on slides as well.

    The only way to force hyperlinks to open in a new window is to customize the launch window. This is easy to do for course links but there is no option to do that with the built-in Resources tab. Our workaround has been to remove all resources from the built-in tab in the player, hide the player tab, put the resources on a slide and add a new Resources tab to the top bar that lightboxes the resources slide.

    Given that we have hundreds of courses that use the built-in resources tab we are fixing them as folks complain. It would be nice if Articulate had a fix for that! 

  • If anyone viewing a course in Workday clicks the Resources tab it overtakes the content window and there is no way back except to close the window and relaunch the course. This happens with hyperlinks on slides as well.

    that's no big surprise - storyline opens external files with javascript* - and the parameters of ('_blank' = new tab) can easely be overwritten by the LMS

    can you upload
     - a small storyline project without your patch
     - the same small storyline project with your patch

    so I can check what is happening inside the internal storyline programming differently
    (that your patch works is surprising)


    * <a href="{ url: 'story_content/external_files/ ... ' })></a>


    Update: here is a small example how simple overwriting works (a simple pur html/js example)

    test the behavior here live:

    click on the links -> every link opens in a new tab

    click Button "overwrite": the links on top are opening in new tab, but the bottom links now open in the same window

    by the way, it would also be possible to use this method to foist modified documents on the learners

    javascript is really not a good idea for the link function, if you have don't have the FULL control over your complete webpage !!!

    @articulate: please change the javascript version to a scriptless version - every browser can do it

    Update 2: here is a proof of concept - how it could work (external links without javascript)





    'href="' + t.url + '" target="_blank"' +

    -> live test


  • That is an interesting update because the reason I am looking to disable topbar items is to create a work around for some mandatory hyperlink viewing - that was causing the client grief because if a learner had a single screen set up the launched hyperlink takes over the screen - in their case minimized WorkDay - and confused learners into thinking their only way out was to exit and relaunch.  This did not happen if learners were on a two screen setup.  As it would launch the hyperlink in the second window.  So I am in the process of embedding the links into the course so the learner can view the mandatory content without leaving the course...but I can't have them sliding around this by hitting our Main menu button in the topbar.  Right now I have a trigger that sends them back to the viewing pages if the links are false...but it is a bit sloppy.  Just got a peak video from Articulate that I have not had a chance to implement the suggestions (But I think it might not because it still looks to be only the default player items. But I suspect this might help others so, here is the video: