Forum Discussion

JessicaDonily's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

Triggers are not activating

I'm using very simple triggers yet when I'm previewing the course in Review, only some of the triggers are activating. 

As well, with the knowledge check (multiple choice), clicking submit does nothing and this was created using the 360 template (didn't change anything) as we're constantly having issues with triggers working correctly in quizzes.

Could someone take a look? If you don't interact with the content, you should get a layer stating to interact to proceed.

  • For you Knowledge checks, you need to change the name of the "Correct Final" layer to "Correct" so that the submit interaction trigger can recognize it.

    What other triggers are not working?

  • Ok I'll take a look at those - the other ones where I've set up variables (true/false) to click on an interaction. If variable = true, clicking next proceeds to the next slide and ELSE displays a layer advising to complete the interactions. 

    They don't have to complete the interaction to progress. It works fine on the instruction page, and on SOME of the other interaction pages, but then not on others and it seems to be random.

  • Nedim's avatar
    Community Member

    The reason it works on the instruction page is that you used a different variable other than "Click1" or "Click2." It also works on slide 2.5 because you used "Click1" and "Click2" variables for the first time. However, it won't work on slide 2.7 because you used the same variables ("Click1" and "Click2") that were already set to True on slide 2.5. The same issue occurs on slide 2.9 where "Click1" and "Click2" are already True. I suggest creating different variables for each interaction or resetting previously used variables to False when the timeline starts to ensure proper functionality from interaction to interaction.

  • I thought the variables were exclusive to each slide and its associated layers, not throughout the entire course.

    Ok so at the beginning of every slide I need to reset all triggers to false?

    Is there an easy trigger for that? Or do you have to enter each trigger in again in a long list on every slide?

  • Nedim's avatar
    Community Member

    Variables will keep their values until you change them, retaining the new values throughout the course until they are changed again. To reset a variable, simply create a trigger to adjust the variable and set it back to its default value. when the timeline starts on this slide. Example:

    In this scenario, you might not need to use variables. Instead, you could create a trigger that says, "Jump to the next slide when the user clicks 'Next' if the state of all buttons is 'Visited'. Else, show the specified layer." For example: