Forum Discussion

  • TommiOjala's avatar
    Community Member

    What you going on there is two separate things that are not connected together.

    You have different states in you Hint 1 box, and clicking it changes those states. (Or it should, but initial state was set uo to something else than Avalaible, so it did not work.)

    Then you have True/False variable Hint 1, that reduces the score.

    What you are missing is the link between these two. You need some sort of trigger that changes the value of variable Hint 1 as the states of the object Hint 1 change. For example use Adjust variable trigger as follows:

    Set Hint 1 to value True

    When the state of Hint 1 is Open

    This way you can click open the Hint 1 multiple times, and lose the score only once. The way ,you have done this on Hint 3 means that if you click it open again, you lose the points again.

    • MalvikaMalho044's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you Tomni. I am half way through, still a bit to go. 

      I want user to have Chicago as the correct value else the answer is incorrect. 

      I have set the variables, still there seems to be some disconnect.



  • TommiOjala's avatar
    Community Member

    Thing that you have missed is the when you create a Text Entry Field the Storyline automatically creates a variable that takes input from that field. That variable is called "TextEntry". But you haven't used that variable in your other triggers, you have used "Guesscity" instead. Those need to be the same for it to work.

    Easiest way to fix that is change the variable in the Text Entry Field, so it reads:

    Set Guesscity equal to the typed value

    When Guesscity loses focus