Forum Discussion

NahlaAly-cf706f's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Undo for Rise

Just lost a whole lesson on Rise, complete with media and questions. The lack of an undo button has never been so frustrating. I have a deadline tomorrow. This reminds me why I never want to use Rise.

Literally crying. Why is there no undo button or version tracking? Couldn't catch the 3 seconds undo prompt.

  • Hi everyone! We've improved the visibility and functionality of the undo notification that appears when you delete blocks and lessons.

    The new undo notification appears for 12 seconds with a timer indicator. If you need longer than 12 seconds, hover your mouse over the notification to pause the timer. You'll also see multiple notifications when more than one block is deleted.

    Let us know if you have any questions about this enhancement!
  • Thanks for sharing your concerns. We don't have an update on this feature yet,  but we'll be sure to share here if we have any news.

  • Hi everyone! We've improved the visibility and functionality of the undo notification that appears when you delete blocks and lessons.

    The new undo notification appears for 12 seconds with a timer indicator. If you need longer than 12 seconds, hover your mouse over the notification to pause the timer. You'll also see multiple notifications when more than one block is deleted.

    Let us know if you have any questions about this enhancement!
    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Sabrina,

      Not sure what you mean by "box"? Are your referring to a block within a Lesson?

      If you delete a block within a Lesson, you have a short period to UNDO the deleted block as shown in the video below.

      As soon as you delete a block, the UNDO bar/button appears in the bottom left corner. If you hover over the bar, the countdown timer pauses. If you click the UNDO button, the deleted block is restored.

      If you take no action, the block will be permanently deleted once the timer runs out.

      • IsabelOlivera's avatar
        Community Member

        This disappearing notification is not enough, if you miss those 12 seconds there is no way to recover your box, you need to change that!

  • Agree with all the ciritical comments above. This is very disappointing.
    Started using Rise today and the first thing I noticed was that the UNDO button was nowhere to be found and Ctrl-Z didn't have any effect either.
    A (better) upgrade is absolutely needed.

  • Keepin' the undo thread alive... I think we'd love a delete "trash can", right? How about Undo's cousin, Redo? Users deleting away here left and right and, unless we emptied the trash, no tears and strokes since we can dig in the trash to pull out that lesson or media we love after all or deleted in error... Undo nirvana :) 

  • LucyAlderton's avatar
    Community Member

    I am just here to support people about the UNDO button, I've noticed that this feature has been requested 6 years ago, shocking! I've just accidentally deleted a section. Thanks God it was just a small table, I could not find the UNDO button :( sad, sad, sad