Forum Discussion

HeatherFineg227's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

User Guide, Index, and Keywords

Over 4 years ago, Geoffrey made this comment: " Storyline 360 user guide:  The search panel (upper right) seems to search the "e-learning heros" and "articulate support," but not the user guide itself (strange behavior).  Is there a way to search the user guide?  Also, is there an index?

Furthermore, if I go into one of the help files, there is no button that I can find to take me to the main index that I can see.  If I click "storyline," I am taken to "E-learning heros" and "articulate support," with no way to gack to the main table of contents."

Your response was this: "I understand your point about the search behavior. To help you with that, please see the Storyline 360 User Guide dashboard to easily access the list of user guides. After clicking a content, you may go back to the main page or navigate other content by using the list panel on the right part of the page. For searching, I would recommend using the search function (CTRL + F) of the browser to look for a specific topic from the main content.

Moreover, you may check the Storyline 360 Support Directory to browse all Storyline 360 articles." 

I don't think your suggestions are efficient. I want to be able to locate key words without figuring out which category in the User Guide the topic is in. As a new user, you don't know where the topic is located, and it can be addressed in several sections. How does someone know if they found all the pertinent sections? Please let me know if there is a location in Help that works more like and Index. Otherwise, please find a way for us to locate help topics more efficiently like a typical index works.  It may be as simple as creating a pdf of the user guide and using the find function. 

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