No Title Error - Index API edit - External Course Name
I built a microlearning using an image with the course name instead of using the built in course name option. The issue is that when I try to upload the course to my LMS, it has a "No Title of Course" error.
I feel like I should be able to edit the coding of the course, possibly the IndexAPI file to input the name of the course manually, but I'm not sure how to edit the code correctly. Has anyone experienced this issue before and if so, can you help me? Screenshot attached. I've blurred the name of the course and logo to prevent issues with my employer.
I was actually able to figure it out thanks to chatGPT. If you're course isn't pulling from a manifest or external file, then you can simply edit the title in the IndexAPI file.
In my case, it pulled from a manifest, so I had to edit it there. Attaching the instructions.