Forum Discussion
Videos to Automatically Play in Rise
Is there a way to have videos automatically start to play in Rise when the user reaches that section of the session?
- JeffForrerCommunity Member
Hello. There is not a way to do this within Rise. This is an intentional non-feature. Also, think about when you are surfing the internet and videos autoplay, it is annoying.
Here is a post about why:
- TedStefaniw-5faCommunity Member
I think there should be an auto-play feature. True, it might be annoying when surfing the internet and something plays automatically, but our employees are not surfing the internet when they open a Rise training they are there to view the training! And a video that launches when that section is reached, definitely adds more impact than having to launch it manually. I think many would agree!
Hi there,
We've shied away from auto-playing audio and video because it's really non-standard on mobile devices. In fact, most phone browsers actually prevent auto-play of media; it needs to be user-initiated.
I appreciate you chiming in with what you'd like to see, since the ideas shared here in E-Learning Heroes contribute to our product roadmap.
We're still monitoring these requests as we consider what features to add to Rise in the future. You're in the right place to stay up to date!
In the meantime, if there's anything else I can do to help, please let me know!
- JamesWashokCommunity Member
Totally agree with you Ted. Rise - and Storyline - Modules are exactly that, Modules, NOT surfing the internet. In the case of surfing the internet, there are several sites that have video (or video-like) splash screens; I have no issue with that and, with today's internet speeds, they really are not detrimental to the overall use or navigation of the site.
However, I can see where they would become a pain in the - uh - butt, like on Facebook. Thus, the option to "deactivate" the autoplay feature. But, not offering one - especially in Rise - is a little frustrating. I am looking at and trying several suggestions, all to no avail. I am hoping to find a fix or workaround this as having an opening video "banner" play automatically when one of my users opens a Course greatly enhances the experience and immediately gets them engaged.
- RossPriluker-41Community Member
I agree with everyone here who says videos and audio should have an autoplay feature. We're paying for this service, at least give us the right to choose.
- JoanneFourni836Community Member
I agree with you Ted
- SusanHollandCommunity Member
Autoplay inside of a SCORM course running inside of an LMS should REALLY have the option to autoplay anything the content creators choose. We shouldn't be held host behind people who complain to Google about you-tube videos. This is clearly not the same thing. Trying to create professional, quality eLearning is dependent on having the flexibility to create. Please change this policy and allow autoplay in Rise and also autoplay of storyline blocks when put into Rise.
Thanks for chiming into the conversation and sharing your feedback, Susan and James.
- ZsoltOlahSuper Hero
For storytelling purposes we should be able to autoplay (and autostop :)).
Try this on a desktop. Scroll down to the video. This was created for my ATD ICE session two years ago. The purpose was to have this running on its own as people are coming to the session.
- TimMacdermot-e5Community Member
Hi Zsolt, would you mind sharing how you made the videos autoplay in your example, cheers.
- DorrienVenab957Community Member
Hi Zsolt
Could you let me know how this was accomplished please.
I take it some javascript was implemented?Regards, Dorrien
- ZsoltOlahSuper Hero
Hi Dorrien,
It was an old example and I don't have the original Rise document anymore (I switched accounts). Chrome also changed its policy now that you need to interact with the page (at least until their algorithm figures that you trust the site)
Anyway, here's an updated example with a download file.
There is limitations to this but you can see if it meets your needs. There's video and audio examples in it, and the last chapter is the download.
- IsabelleCote-abCommunity Member
Hi Zsolt, It's been over two years, but would it be possible to find out how you went about making the video autoplay and ultimately jump from one video to another. thank you so much
- KatyAtkinson-b4Community Member
I agree that autoplay should be an option, just as it is in Storyline. For some videos, having a play button is great, but there are many situations where I would want and need content to automatically play. This applies to audio as well. I feel like the developer should be able to decide. I hope this is something Articulate looks into in the future for Rise courses.
- CassiusNetzleyCommunity Member
Our team utilizes Wisita as a video hosting platform. Wistia offers the granularity in video setup/staging we desire. There's a bevy of options for email campaigns, use as a light-box video on WordPress pages we develop, and other embed format types. Thumbnails can be actual video snippets (you define time frame), a custom image, or image pulled from a particular point in the video itself. Also, the autoplay can be defined to loop, or stop at a certain point.
Here's an example of one of our videos embedded into Rise with the autoplay feature configured.
Edit: I've changed the settings to mute the audio upon autoplay to spare headphone users and those in an open office from hearing some marketing-esque verbiage/music out of the gate. :) - melissanevCommunity Member
We need the option to autoplay. These are training courses not folks browsing the internet.
Thanks for your feedback, everyone!
We're monitoring these requests as we consider what features to add to Rise in the future. We'll let you know if we decide to allow autoplay in the future.
- ChristopherF690Community Member
Hi, Allison! I'm going to add my voice here, too. We really need the ability to auto-play, auto-stop, loop, etc. videos within the course. I can think of multiple use cases where this would be extremely helpful to both me and the learners taking my course - particularly having video auto-start/stop when it comes in/out of view on the page.
Thanks for your feedback, Christopher! I'll be sure to share it with the team.
- MeganPalmer-be3Community Member
I completely agree! Personally, I don't think it is annoying when videos autoplay. This is really a creative disagreement. But the point is that you (Adobe creators) don't gain anything by limiting creativity...which is what you are doing by purposefully making "non-features." For example, having video backgrounds is very much the new trend in polished presentations. I think limiting creativity in this way goes against your mission.
Hi Megan,
Some modern browsers, like Safari and Chrome now block autoplay audio and video. This keeps Storyline 360 content from playing automatically.
Since we can't change browser settings (if only we had that kind of power!), we updated our software to allow learners to view video content regardless of browser restrictions.
Let me know if you have any other questions. :)
- SusanHollandCommunity Member
I think you are missing the point. For those of us creating Rise and Articulate SCORM courses, the browser doesn't stop the autoplay inside of a scorm. Therefore as a company you need to allow the creators to have that option. Chrome has went back and forth with their releases because there was much outcry to allow autoplay. Even to the point now that if you visit a website frequently, Chrome will allow autoplay on that site.
Please reconsider your position to allow autoplay.