Your first button, Tab 1 has a visited state that is mis-aligned on the X-Y axis 140, 0. Edit the Visited state to have a position of 0, 0 on the X-Y axis. That will make sure that it re-positions correctly.
I sometimes find the built in states, although working as designed, do not always work the way I want them to work. I find it easier to create a "Custom" state. In this case, I created a custom state based off of the Visited state. I named it "Complete". Then I created a trigger to change the state of the relevant tab to Complete when the user clicks the Close button on a layer.
On the Base layer I removed all the triggers except the triggers that link to the layers.
On each layer I have 4 triggers:
- Change the state of the fader to hidden when the timeline states on this layer.
- Change the state of the fader to normal when the user clicks the Close button.
- Change the state of Tab X to Complete when the user clicks the Close button.
- Hide this layer when the user clicks the Close button.
This should give you what you are looking for. See attached.