Forum Discussion

BrendaHarrison's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Visited State


I am creating a tab interaction with 4 button states (normal, hover, selected and visited).  The first three states work as expected; however, the visited state will not work.  Not sure why.  I am using Storyline 3.  Any thoughts would be apopreciated.

  • Attaching your .story file here will make it easier for someone to take a look at it and help you. You can narrow things down by telling what you want it to do, and what it is doing, instead.

  • Thank you.  I have attached the file.  It is a tab interaction.  When you click on the tab, it will show content.  When you click the close button, it is supposed to show that tab as being visited.  It is not working that way.  The only way I can get the visited state to appear is when I click on one tab and then the next tab.  When done this way, tab 1 does not go back into place.  

  • GarthYorko-TE's avatar
    Community Member

    Your first button, Tab 1 has a visited state that is mis-aligned on the X-Y axis 140, 0.  Edit the Visited state to have a position of 0, 0 on the X-Y axis.  That will make sure that it re-positions correctly.

    I sometimes find the built in states, although working as designed, do not always work the way I want them to work.  I find it easier to create a "Custom" state. In this case, I created a custom state based off of the Visited state.  I named it "Complete". Then I created a trigger to change the state of the relevant tab to Complete when the user clicks the Close button on a layer.

    On the Base layer I removed all the triggers except the triggers that link to the layers.

    On each layer I have 4 triggers:

    • Change the state of the fader to hidden when the timeline states on this layer.
    • Change the state of the fader to normal when the user clicks the Close button.
    • Change the state of Tab X to Complete when the user clicks the Close button.
    • Hide this layer when the user clicks the Close button.

    This should give you what you are looking for. See attached.