Forum Discussion

MatthewJevons-6's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Why can't I share courses with groups


I've created a number of groups within my team (in the 'Manage Team' section), however I can't seem to share content with those groups.

I only get the option within 'Groups' to share with everyone.

Can anyone help with this issue please.

2 Replies

  • Hi Matthew,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    The user groups in your account dashboard are not currently referenced when adding collaborators to content or granting permissions to team folders. You can add individuals or everyone at once to team content.

    Articulate 360 user groups help Team admins distribute the correct number of seats for different user groups on the team. Integrating Account Management groups with the folder collaborator permissions workflow is a good suggestion. We are tracking requests for it.

    I've added your voice to the existing feature report, so you'll be notified once this enhancement is available.