Forum Discussion
Youtube videos - not working when embedded and published in Rise
Hi all
Can anyone shine a light on this? I have several youtube videos embedded in my course, but when published to HTML they are not displaying.
The videos are still up on youtube, and can be displayed in powerpoint so I think the issue may lie with Rise
was hoping to show the client the work in progress tomorrow!
This issue has been fixed in Rise! You will need to republish your output, but you won't need to modify the embed block in Rise.
Please let us know if you have any issues or questions.
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
We use many YouTube videos without a problem.
The fact that the video is still on YT, does not mean it will play in Rise, as the video permissions may not allow embedding.
- AnneKathrineSkoCommunity Member
I have the same issue. I have embed many youtube videos before iwth no issue what so ever, however the last week they seem to not work. The videos are working just fine in preview, but when I publish to HTML they seem to be broken.
I am using the same settings for the youtubevideo as always. Anyone experiencing the same thing? And have an idea of what to do (except upload them as a file)?
Hello AnneKathrineSko, I just tested this out, and it does appear to be an issue with using the share link from YouTube. When I used the Embed Code, the YouTube video worked as expected. I have reported this, but in the meantime, here's a workaround:
To find the Embed Code, go to the video's share options, click the Embed button, and copy all of the code that appears to the right of the video. You can then paste all of that code right into the Edit Embed field in Rise.
I hope that helps! Please let me know how it goes or if you have any questions.- PhilFossCommunity Member
If you are testing the exported course on your local computer, there may be an issue calling the remote (youtube) content, I would test uploading to a web server and see if the issue persists.
I just wanted to follow up that our Rise team has found the issue, and they are working to fix it. It does seem to just be a problem with published HTML outputs when opening locally like PhilFoss suggested.
This issue has been fixed in Rise! You will need to republish your output, but you won't need to modify the embed block in Rise.
Please let us know if you have any issues or questions.