Forum Discussion

DevanAbia's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

JavaScript Count Up Timer

I needed to add a timer to a software simulation project, but all I could find was a count down timer. I'm a still a JavaScript beginner, so I asked Google and was not disappointed! 

Here's the code:

// Create Storyline variables for seconds and minutes

var player = GetPlayer();

player.SetVar("seconds", 0);

player.SetVar("minutes", 0);


// JavaScript function to count seconds and reset every minute

function countSeconds() {

  var seconds = player.GetVar("seconds");

  var minutes = player.GetVar("minutes");



  player.SetVar("seconds", seconds);


  if (seconds >= 60) {

    seconds = 0;

    player.SetVar("seconds", seconds);


    player.SetVar("minutes", minutes);




// Start the timer using setInterval

setInterval(countSeconds, 1000); // 1000 milliseconds = 1 second



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