Feature Request: Control R/Redo to redo an action in Rise 360

Feb 24, 2022

Feature Request: Use control R to redo an action to a text or block


  • Heavily expedite workflow and reduce clicks required to take common actions in Rise (and therefore reduce frustration as well!)
  • Benefit authors creating custom content as well as those repurposing/rebranding Rise templates. 

Context: In Rise, course authors frequently take action on text or content blocks. When making the same change to multiple pieces or text or blocks, this requires sooooo many redundant clicks. This is one of my most used functions in google slides, and this would be an absolute game changer in Rise!

Rise control R function

Example 1: Redo formatting to text

  1. Select text
  2. Select "Colors"
  3. Select Text or Background
  4. Enter Code or remove formatting
  5. Select Ok

This entire sequence has to be repeated for every selection you'd like to apply the same action to. Imagine being able to select the next piece of text and control R to repeat the step!

Example 2: Redo formatting to a content block

  1. Hover over content block
  2. Select edit
  3. Select color
  4. Enter code
  5. Select ok

Again, this entire sequence has to be repeated for every selection you'd like to apply the same action to. Imagine being able to hover the asset and control R.

Example 3: Redo moving a block

  1. Hover over content block
  2. Select up arrow
  3. To continue moving up, you have to keep re-hovering and selecting the up arrow. Imagine being able to skip hovering and clicking, and just press control R for it to move the block up again without having to hover or click


Control R could be used to edit tables, adjust block padding, image sizing preferences, and so much more! 


Other complimentary feature suggestions:

  • Control Z/Undo (for blocks - already exists for text)
  • Control F/format painter 
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