Forum Discussion
Image Dimensions in Rise
I've just started using Rise and I have some questions. Is there place that tells me the image dimensions (ie: Image and Text, Image size for the accordion, etc.). My client thinks the font is too small in the image description, so I was going to overlay it on the image, but it keeps cutting it off and I'll be here all day trying to figure out the image size.
Hi Michael,
There isn't a place within Rise to showcase the image sizes for each of the varying lesson or block types, but we have some documented best practices here for working with images and other media elements in Rise.
For the image you're using with the text that got cut off, were you using the "text on image" block type? I was playing with the built in image for that Block just now and was able to add a fair amount more text to it, and the sizing automatically starts to show more of the image based on how much text I'm adding so I wasn't able to get it to be cut off. The image once it has expanded to the entire height of the image does start to zoom in on the image and cut off a side of the image. So it's continuing to automatically resize to match the amount of text you've looked at including.
If you've got a sample Rise course link and the original image that you'd like our team to take a look at we'd be happy to. That way we can ensure we're talking about and seeing the same thing. Feel free to share here in the ELH forums if you're ok with it being public and if you'd like to share privately you can send along to our Support Engineers here.
- DeniseVanKeulenCommunity Member
What is the recommended image dimensions? I uploaded an image, but it doesn't fill the screen and I can't resize the image. Please advise. Thank you!
Hi Denise!
We recommend using the highest quality image that you have available--the larger the dimensions, the better! We've tested with images widths as wide as 8000px, and they look great.
If we can have a look at your Rise course link and the original image, we can possibly make some recommendations based on the image you're using. You can share those here in the thread, or if you'd like to share privately, you can send them along to our Support Engineers here.
- KrishnaMurthy-bCommunity Member
its not working
Hi Krishna! Please tell me more about what's not working. If you can also include a screenshot of the issue, that'd be even better!
- IrinaPoloubessoCommunity Member
Dear Alyssa,
Rise chopps off the height of the image, if used full-width.
The original template for full-width image has even higher height, so I wonder if there is some ratio rule you could let us know? I have already read the article ( , no such infos there!
Is there a to overcome it? (Please see the attached images)
Many thanks!!
Hi Irina!
Rise displays images in different sizes and ratios depending on the device you're using, especially in those full-width image blocks. For example, the way an image is cropped on a tablet is completely different than the way it's cropped on a phone.
In other words, there's no ratio rule to follow since the image will be cropped differently depending on the device that's used. That's the beauty of fully-responsive content--it reflows and resizes to fit the device/screen you're using.
- BenMartin-71491Community Member
Hi Alyssa
What are the dimensions of the divider blocks? I would like to replicate their size for some other assets?
Hi Ben,
Rise 360 will create responsive content, so there isn't one set size as it'll change based on what device you're viewing a course with. Could you share more about what you'd like to set up and we can point you in the right direction?
- RobinWagner-29bCommunity Member
I would love it if the image on a desktop shoed more than just that small slice. Most of my learners will be using lap tops or desk tops and the image show up large and cut off with text on them.
- EricBryantCommunity Member
I'm having a similar issue with photos in a 4-column grid. I'm putting photos of all of our senior leadership into the grid, but in about half of the photos the tops of their heads are being cut off (I've checked and it's happening for every type of device). Our marketing team wants to help me resize the images so that the full image appears, but they need some guidance. I do notice that it seems to happen more with the photos taken in portrait vs. landscape.
Thanks for any help.
Hi Eric,
As Alyssa mentioned earlier, there is no ratio as it'll display different based on the device you're using. It sounds like landscape images are working best for you, perhaps your Marketing team can help reset them all as landscape and test out different centering options?
- MaryBuehler-44eCommunity Member
Still, you could create a resource that shows image dimensions for a sample desktop size, tablet size, and phone screen size for each type of image, such as full screen, text on image, text with image, columns with images.
I'm sure someone on your creative team could provide general guidance for those three screen sizes (desktop, tablet, phone) that is close - we all know that the cropping can make things difficult.
- EdwardHoke-8ec6Community Member
Hi Ashley: Taking this same concept further, when the zoomed page is loaded, how can I put any text on this page surrounding, or adding to, the zoomed image (not referring to a caption). Thank you, Ed
Hi Edward,
When you click on an image in Rise, that will zoom/enlarge the image itself. There isn't an additional page or section with which to add text - but if you could share a bit more about what you're looking to set up we can offer some other ideas!
Hi Cindy,
I have seen others experience an issue with image files when they are authoring Rise within IE, which is not a supported environment.
You can find supported web browsers for authoring and viewing responsive Rise courses here.
If you need us to take a look at one of your image files, feel free to share.