L'éditeur n'en fait qu'à sa tête !

May 18, 2021


Je rencontre un petit problème sur Rise. Quelques soient les blocs créés, l'éditeur fait des sortes de corrections automatiques, modifie les mots que j'écris ou refuse de les prendre en compte. Cela modifie totalement la syntaxe, mes phrases ne veulent plus rien dire, cela crée des fautes grammaticales et donne l'impression que je ne sais vraiment pas rédiger correctement !
Que faire ??? Merci d'avance de votre aide !

2 Replies
Renz Sevilla

Hi Bérangère, sorry to hear you're having trouble with the course changing some of your words.

Rise 360 should not be doing that, so I'd like to get a couple of more details from you. 

- What language is your device or browser set to?
- Which browser and browser version number are you using? Some browsers have an auto-translate or auto-correct, or you may have an add-on that is changing some of the wording.
- Have you tried logging out, and restarting your machine?
- Have you tried other browsers to see if it has the same behavior?

Bérangère DURANSON

Hi Renz

I am using Chrome in french language.

Yes I tried restarting my machine and there was no change.

I hadn't thought of using an other browser. I just tried with Edge and it seems to be better !!!  Thank you for helping ! I think I will use Edge from now on !