Poor resolution of video thumbnails in Rise 360

Jun 14, 2022


I'm having a problem with the thumbnails of videos I uploaded to my course. The first frame of the video is showing in a poor resolution and I'm seeing some type of noise. However If I play the video, the resolution is a lot better. I'm having this issue with all the videos in that course. I've attached a screenshot.

Thank you for your help,

Joel Svensson

3 Replies
Daniel Canaveral

Hi Joel.  Once you've exported a Rise course, you have the ability to customize a number of elements, including video thumbnails.  Below, I've swapped out the compressed PNG thumbnail created by Rise upon exporting with an original, uncompressed PNG image:

swap vid thumbnail

If you can take a high-resolution screenshot of your video's start point (or any point that you would like to serve as the video thumbnail, for that matter), you can follow the steps below to swap it out with the compressed/noisy version you seem to be seeing:


Open the assets folder (contents > assets).  Locate the compressed PNG video thumbnail (I think Rise calls thumbnails "posters"):

find vid thumbnail


Copy and paste the PNG image you would like to serve as the new thumbnail into the folder.


Copy the unique file name given to the compressed PNG video thumbnail.  Once copied and saved to your clipboard, delete the PNG file.  Then, rename the uncompressed/new PNG video thumbnail using the unique file name you just copied (see GIF below).  Once completed, go ahead and open the index file to see your changes!
