Rise 360 cover image and logo dimensions?

Feb 20, 2020

Does anyone know the the asset dimensions for the cover photo and logos you can upload to customize your Rise courses? Or where that info might be listed? It's not visible in settings screen of a course. 


76 Replies
Clint Clarkson

Seen this question appear a few times online. Thought some of you might find these useful. They use a 2100:700px header image dimension. They're based on the Preview tool in Articulate rise, so they won't always be perfect (e.g. long course titles, device dimensions), but they'll do the trick 95% of the time.

  • L = Landscape
  • P = Portrait

Rise Header Template 2100x700 Detailed

Rise Header Template 2100x700 Title Area

Liesa Rock

I created my own icon image using PowerPoint and set the dimensions to H:7.14 cm x W:33.87. Then saved with the prefix _NOPROCESS_name.jpg.  It looks good and I was able to place the icons to the right so the title was nice and clear.

Not sure if I need to be set to that size but it was the shape I was playing with and it works for me.  I might apply the same principles to images.  Cropping to that size and saving with the naming prefix to keep the image clarity.

kevin kissack

Me too.
Is it impletmented?
I can't use a background (brand) image with text on the left as it gets cut off because the image does not scale properly.
Eg when the browser is fully open the oimage is fine, but when partically closed the image is scales a little, but not in proportion.
So viewing an image on different platforms (iphone, ipad, laptop, portrait, landscape) does not work, unless it's a piece of wallpaper without any meaning or text or logos.

Overall the program is very outdated for functionality, but the client makes me use it.