Forum Discussion
Hi guys new to the Community ,
Need 1 Help i want .storyline ( story ) File for the game/project /quize ..
Name : Who Wants to be a Millionaire (KBC)
Working on this so if someone have file with them please Kindly Share .
1 Reply
Hey there! Welcome to the community :) Really glad to have you here, and this space is full of folks who *love* sharing examples and files. Two things I'll note to try to help you get some replies—
1. You've posted here in the intros forum, so folks are mostly going to be going here to say hi and introduce themselves when they first join the community, and might not be looking here for collaboration & example sharing. Where I think you might get better results is if you post under Connect > Discuss.
2. I'd recommend that when you repost, you add some more details around what you're looking to accomplish—sometimes others might not have the exact thing you're looking for, but they might have something similar especially if they can understand some of the mechanics of the use case.
Welcome, and hope you find what you're looking for!