Compliance training is a vital part of business operations—no matter where your employees are or what kind of device they're using to access training content. 

That's one of the many reasons Rise 360 is such a great fit for compliance topics. With sleek interactions like process and sorting activities, and embedded YouTube video, knowledge checks, and quizzes, you can quickly create a budget-friendly, media-rich, and effective learning experience (like this one) that looks great on every device.

Want a copy of this project? Send yourself a copy to add it to your Rise 360 dashboard.

Want to try tackling compliance training with Rise 360? Get a free 30-day trial for Articulate 360 here.

Trina Rimmer
Trina Rimmer
Trina Rimmer

I wouldn't say that one is better than the other. For instance, I tend to choose Storyline 360 for projects where I have more time to create a really custom experience that needs to work on every device. But in this example, I chose Rise because I wanted to build a compliance course in a few hours that would work on every device—but I didn't want to invest a ton of time and effort into creating a complex branching scenario. I felt like I could make the important points effectively through a simple scenario with robust feedback. In short, both are authoring tools. Both allow you to create multi-device e-learning. Storyline 360 is great when you want to create something custom and/or highly interactive. Rise is a good option when you don't have as much time or just don't need to creat... Expand

Trina Rimmer
Trina Rimmer
Tim Golden
Michele Brooks
Efrat Maor
Tim Golden

Efrat yes - that's exactly what I am saying. I've got anecdotal examples from the employee using IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, on PC's, IOS and android devices. They all report completing the quiz with a passing score but the module still shows 'in progress' in the LMS. When they try to re-enter the course in the LMS it freezes in the browser, just a white screen. Our problems have been limited to Rise modules - I have another module that's all in SL and have had zero issues. Support in the LMS (and with Articulate) has been unable to replicate the error. It could be something with the client's intranet, but there are cases where the users are logging in on their personal device and still having an issue. We use a cloud based LMS, so you would think it the issue was the customer's in... Expand

Emily Trout

Hi Tim, I'm new to all this (training content development in general) but have been using Rise to create various trainings for our company and upload them into our LMS. Just yesterday I was receiving notice that folks were getting a '0%' completion email even though they've completed the course and received a passing score of 100% on the quiz. I assumed it was the way in which I was exporting the content to SCORM. I was selecting "Track Using Course Completion" and thought maybe that was where I went wrong. I've since gone back and adjusted the SCORM export to "Track Using Quiz Results" with a Complete/Incomplete reporting. I'm assuming your issue is that it's still not working, which I believe is the same boat I'm in. I guess it's good to know there's company? I may begin trou... Expand

Tim Golden

Emily, Thanks for your reply and the interest. I have seen the exact same thing - the course reporting to the LMS is showing passed - 0%. Initial I had the course set to give credit once the user had viewed all sections of the course - we were delivering/re-delivering information and the score on the knowledge assessment was secondary. (Heresy, I know, lol) I changed that to giving credit once a passing score was received, similar to the way you set it up in your comment. Still get the same thing on the report. This caused a good deal of concern with we published the report, then replaced all of the passed -% with Passed in the report itself. It is nice to know that I'm not alone in this - not completely certain where to go next - there are so many variables ... Expand

Trina Rimmer

Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment and share your feedback, Tim. Sorry to hear that you've run into some snags with Rise. From reading this thread it sounds like a few others have faced similar issues so I thought I'd share a few troubleshooting tips that might help. First, we now offer LMS Debug Mode for Rise: Following the steps outlined in that link will show you (or your LMS Admin or your LMS contact) exactly what Rise is sending to the LMS. If you're uncomfortable trying to interpret the log, you can always send it to us and we'll be happy to lend a hand! Another option is to test your Rise course in SCORM Cloud: SCORM Cloud is the industry standard for LMS testing/debugging. So, if your course works on SCORM Cloud, i... Expand

Tim Golden

Trina, Thanks for the feedback – always looking for more help and insights. We’ll continue to chase the issue. If we identify anything we’ll definitely share with both our LMS vendor and you. You’re right – not a solution per se but helps to be able to tell both our customer and our LMS vendor that it works in SCORM cloud. The other variable here can be the customer’s internet/intranet. Various security software or other programs can have unexpected collateral effects and make finding the root cause of the problem really tough. One question about Rise and SCORM Cloud. One thing that is apparent with Rise – it’s locked down pretty tightly. What I mean by that is with the web based authoring platform, it would seem like everything should work by default – Articulate is controlling ... Expand

Tim Golden
Alphonso Hendricks
Trina Rimmer
Debra Lopez