Video Tutorials
Storyline 3: Ordering, Grouping, Sizing, and Positioning Objects
In this user guide, we'll explore several ways to order, group, size, and position objects in Storyline 3.
- Ordering Objects
- Grouping, Ungrouping, and Regrouping Objects
- Aligning Objects
- Rotating Objects
- Sizing Objects
Ordering Objects
When items overlap on a slide, they'll be layered in the same order you inserted them. You can change that order by selecting an object and doing any of the following:
- Drag it up or down the timeline. All the elements on your slide will be listed on the timeline in the same order in which they're layered on the slide. Topmost items are closest to the front of the slide.
- Go to the Home tab on the ribbon, click Arrange, and choose one of the layering options.
- Go to the Format tab on the ribbon, then click Bring Forward or Send Backward. To bring an item to the top or send it to the bottom, click the arrow next to either option and choose Bring to Front or Send to Back.
- Right-click the object and choose Bring to Front or Send to Back.
Grouping, Ungrouping, and Regrouping Objects
Grouping is a handy way to move, size, rotate, flip, or change other attributes of multiple objects at the same time—as if they were a single object.
Group |
Select the objects you want to group using Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click, then do any of the following:
Ungroup |
Select the grouped object, then do any of the following:
Regroup |
To regroup objects that were previously part of a group, select the objects and do any of the following:
Aligning Objects
It's easy to position objects on your slide by just dragging them, but if you want more control over alignment, do this:
- Select one or more objects to be aligned.
- Go to the Home tab, click Arrange, and scroll to Align. (You can also go to the Format tab and click Align.)
- Choose either Align to Slide or Align Selected Objects.
- Repeat step 2.
- Choose any of the alignment options (left, center, right, top, middle, or bottom). If you'd rather space the selected items evenly, choose Distribute Horizontally or Distribute Vertically.
Rotating Objects
To rotate an object, just drag its rotation handle.
For more control over the exact degree of rotation, do this:
- Go to the Home tab, click Arrange, and scroll to Rotate. (You can also go to the Format tab and click Rotate.)
- Choose one of the rotation options or click More Rotation Options to enter a specific value.
- If you choose More Rotation Options, you'll see the following window. (Another way to get to this window is to right-click the object, choose Size and Position, then select the Size tab.) Enter a value in the Rotation field, or use the arrows to adjust the value. Click Close when you're done.
Sizing Objects
The quickest way to resize an object is to drag any of its sizing handles. Here are some tips if you use this method.
- To preserve the aspect ratio, hold down the Shift key while dragging a corner handle.
- To resize opposite sides of the object equally, hold down the Ctrl key while dragging a side handle.
For more control over an object's exact size, go to the Format tab and enter your preferred values in the Height and Width fields.
To make multiple objects the same size, do this:
- Select all the objects you want to resize.
- Go to the Home tab, click Arrange, and scroll to Size.
- Choose one of the sizing options.
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Using the Size and Position Window
Setting Your Grid, Guide, and Ruler Preferences