
Video Tutorials

Storyline 3: Saving and Switching Players

When you make changes to a player, those changes get saved in the current project file. However, it’s a good idea to save your custom players separately, so you can reuse them in other projects or share them with other content authors.

Opening the Player Properties Window

Opening the Player Properties window is as easy as going to the Home tab on the Storyline 3 ribbon and clicking Player.

Saving Custom Players

To save a custom player, click Current Player on the ribbon and choose either of the following:


Use this option to save the player with its current name. If the player hasn’t been saved before, Storyline will ask you to give it a name.

Save As

This saves a copy of the current player with a new name, which Storyline will prompt you to enter. This is a good option if you want to make variations of the same player.


When you’re finished, click OK to close the Player Properties window. If you click the X in the upper right corner of the window, your changes will be canceled. In other words, the X in the upper right corner performs the same function as the Cancel button.

When you save a custom player, it gets stored as an *.xml file on your local hard drive and added to the list of available players you can apply to any course. Custom players are stored here:


Switching Players

To switch the current project to a different player, click Current Player on the ribbon, scroll to Open, and choose a player.

The default Storyline player will always appear at the top of the list. Your custom players will appear below it.

Sharing Players (Exporting Players)

If you want to share a custom player with a colleague or transfer it to a different computer, export a copy of its *.xml file. Here's how:

  1. Click Current Player on the ribbon and choose Export.
  2. Give your player a name and browse to a save location on your computer.
  3. Click Save.

Now you can give the file to a colleague or use it on another computer. For instructions on how to import the file, see the following section.

Using Players That Have Been Shared with You (Importing Players)

If someone gives you a custom player *.xml file, here’s how to import it into Storyline:

  1. Click Current Player on the ribbon and choose Import.
  2. Browse to the *.xml file for the custom player and click Open.

The imported player will be applied to the current project. To use the same custom player in other courses, save it separately.

Deleting Players

If you no longer need a previously saved custom player, you can delete it.

  1. Click Current Player on the ribbon, scroll to Open, and choose the player you want to delete. (This step temporarily applies the player to the current course.)
  2. Click Current Player again and choose Delete.
  3. Click Yes to confirm your deletion request.

This deletes the current player and reverts your course back to the default Storyline player.

If any existing courses are using the player you deleted, the player will remain saved in those specific projects; it just won't be available for new projects.

Undoing Changes Made to a Saved Player

Let's say you save a custom player then make additional modifications to it, but you haven't yet saved the latest changes. If you want to revert back the previously saved version of the player, click Current Player on the ribbon and choose Reset.

Published 9 years ago
Version 1.0