Project Management
11 TopicsReview 360: Share Items with Team Folders
Create shared team folders in Review 360 to organize your content and assign permissions. Allow multiple authors to publish new versions of the content you shared in these folders for better collaboration. Share Folders and Items Understand Tasks and Permissions Publish Collaboratively Get Answers to FAQs Share Folders and Items Move Review 360 items to the Team directory to share them with everyone on the team and let them publish new versions. Share them in folders to stay organized and customize the share settings. There are two ways to move folders and items. Hover over a single folder in the sidebar or an item card in the main window and click the More (•••) icon, then select the Move option. Move multiple items and folders by clicking the checkboxes that appear when you hover over them in the main window, then clicking the Move icon on the dynamic action toolbar at the top. Then, you have three where you can move your selected items and folders, each with slightly different steps. Team Root Directory Select Team from the tree directory and click Move. If you're moving a folder, click Set share settings. Add the Everyone group or choose specific team members in the folder share settings, then click Save. Note: Everyone on the team has editor permission for items in the team root directory. See the Understand Tasks and Permissions section below for more details. Existing Folder Select a folder in Team, then click Move. If you're moving a folder, Review 360 adds the share settings of the parent folder to the folder you moved. Learn more about permissions. New Folder Select a location in the Team section and click the Create new folder icon in the lower-left corner. Give your new folder a name, add/remove team members, and click Save. Note: Moving items to different folders or directories does not change their share link. Unshare a Folder or Item Unshare a folder or item by moving it anywhere in your Private directory. Use either of the two ways to move folders and items discussed above, then select a location in the Private section. Only owners can move folders and items they've shared. If you unshare a folder that contains folders or items owned by others, those folders and items are also unshared and moved to their Private directories. Delete a Shared Folder or Item Select folders and items as mentioned above, click the More (•••) icon, and select Delete. Only owners can delete their shared folder or item and move them to their Deleted Items folder. If you delete a folder that contains folders or items owned by others, those folders and items are also moved to their Deleted Items folders. Tip: Folders and items can only be deleted one at a time. Need to delete several items and folders? Move them to a new folder in bulk and then delete the folder. Restore a Shared Folder or Item From the Deleted Items, select the folder or item, and choose Remove from trash. Restoring shared folders or items moves them back to their original location. If the location or folder no longer exists, you'll find them in your Private directory. Understand Tasks and Permissions Everyone on the team has editor permissions to all Review 360 items in the root Team directory. Control who sees your shared items by moving them to team folders and customizing the folder share settings, as described below. Hover over the folder in the sidebar or the folder breadcrumb on top, click the More (•••) icon that appears, and choose Folder share settings. Or select the checkbox in the upper-left corner of the folder, then click the share icon on the dynamic action toolbar on top. In the pop-up that displays, search for specific team members by name or email and click their names to add them as editors. Or add the "Everyone" group to give all seatholders access to the folder. To remove access, hover over selected members and click the trash icon. Permissions can be either explicit or inherited. Explicit permission is manually adding the user or group through the folder share settings. It doesn't change even when you move the folder. Inherited permission is when the folder automatically adds the share settings from the parent folder. If the folder is moved to another location, its inherited permissions are replaced with the new parent folder's share settings. To convert inherited permissions to explicit, remove the permissions and manually add them back. Updating folder share settings applies the change to all subfolders under it. Currently, this also affects folders owned by other members. The permission on the updated folder is explicit, while the permissions on the subfolders are inherited. There are two roles in the folder share settings: owner and editor. See the table below to compare owner and editor permissions: Folders Tasks Owner Editor View the shared folder x x View shared folder permissions x x Create a subfolder in the shared folder x x Add a new item in the shared folder x x Rename the shared folder x x Change shared folder permissions x Move the shared folder x Delete the shared folder x Items Tasks Owner Editor View items x x Download videos x x Publish new versions of an item x x Insert items as Storyline blocks in Rise 360 x x Hide and unhide versions of items x x Download Storyline 360 project backups x x Disable and re-enable comments x x Export videos to an LMS x x Modify share settings x x Copy the shareable link x x Allow users without Articulate IDs to comment x x Set a password to view the item x x Rename item titles x x Duplicate items x x Move items x Delete items x Restore versions x Delete comments x Publish Collaboratively Allow multiple authors to publish new versions of Review 360 items you shared using any Articulate 360 authoring app. Here's how: Publish your content to Review 360. Items are stored in the Private root directory when you first publish directly from authoring apps. Move it to any folder in the Team directory, including the root folder. Make sure co-authors have editor access to the folder. When co-authors choose to publish a new version of an existing item to Review 360 using the same authoring app, they'll see the item you shared on the list. For Storyline 360 items, editors also have the option to upload a new version, as shown below. Learn more about other editor tasks in the Understand Tasks and Permissions section above. To see who made changes to the shared item, click the Version drop-down list in the upper left corner of the screen to switch between versions. Editors can hide or unhide versions, but only owners can restore a version. Get Answers to FAQs Can I transfer ownership of folders and items? No, but editors can duplicate Review 360 items, and they'll own the copies. However, these won't include comments. You can also transfer ownership when removing the owner from the team subscription and selecting a new team member as the owner. As a folder editor, I can publish new versions of Rise 360 content in team folders, even if I'm not a course/microlearning manager in Rise 360. Is this expected? Yes, any seatholder in the same subscription with editor access to the Rise 360 item in Review 360 can publish a new version. This may include content on which you aren't assigned a collaborator role. Assigned collaborator roles in Rise 360 control who can publish the course or microlearning to Review 360. Assigned folder permissions in Review 360 team folders control who can publish new versions of the items in the folder. Note: When publishing a new version from Rise 360, you can select any content to which you have editor permissions in Review 360. Let us know how this works for your organization. What happens to shared content when the owner is removed from the team? When you remove someone from your team, you must transfer all their shared content to another member to complete the process. To keep the user's unshared content with their Articulate ID account, uncheck the Include personal content box. This is handy when the user is a contractor or freelancer who used their personal Articulate ID to join your team and has personal content connected to it. See this article for more information about managing content when users leave your team. If you're leaving the team, move all the content you want to keep to your Private directory first, then ask your admin to uncheck the Include personal content box when removing your access. More details on how long we'll keep your data here. Can I give non-seatholder admins access to team folders? Only seatholders in the same subscription can access team folders. Will I be notified when someone updates the items I shared? No, we don't send any notifications for team folders at this time. What should I do when I plan to merge subscriptions? We'll help you combine multiple Articulate 360 subscriptions to ensure shared content is transferred to the new subscription. Learn more about merging subscriptions. What happens when the subscription expires and I want to reactivate it? Shared content, such as Review 360 items in team folders, stays with the subscription. If you think you might renew your subscription later and want to keep your shared items, move them to your private directory before your subscription expires. Your online data remains intact if you renew your subscription with the same Articulate ID within six months. You'll have access to all your personal content items. Let us know if you need help retrieving shared content.1.8KViews0likes0CommentsReview 360: Organize Items on Your Dashboard
To access your Review 360 dashboard (image below), sign in to Articulate 360 using one of these web browsers, then select the Review 360 tab at the top. Use your dashboard to manage your e-learning content and stakeholder feedback. A card appears on your dashboard for each item you publish to Review 360. Each card displays a title, the most recent publish date, an icon indicating the type of content, and a hover menu with several options for managing the item. Search Items Filter Items Manage Items Export Videos as LMS Packages Download Videos Manage Folders Organize Items and Folders Search Items Need help finding a specific Review 360 item? Use the search field in the upper right corner of your dashboard to quickly find items by title or date—for example, onboarding or November 2. The search results dynamically update as you type. Perform a search from any folder on your dashboard. Review 360 always searches all your content in all your folders (except deleted items). Filter Items Use the product filters in the upper right corner of the screen to easily find what you’re looking for. Filter your items for Storyline 360, Rise 360, Studio 360, or video content, as shown below. Video content includes Peek 360 videos, Replay 360 videos, and video files you’ve uploaded to your account. Filter your Private, Team, or Deleted Items folders, the contents of a specific folder, or your search results. When you select a product filter, it remains active as you switch folders and enter new search terms. To remove a filter, choose All Formats from the list of product filters. Manage Items There's a lot you can do right from your Review 360 dashboard. Hover over an item and click the More (•••) icon that appears to show a drop-down list of actions available. Or select the checkbox in the upper-left corner to show the action toolbar on top (note that this also disables the More (•••) icon). Depending on the type of content selected, you'll see the following choices: Export to LMS (Toolbar: Right arrow icon) Host videos in your LMS to track learners’ progress. Once selected, follow these steps to export your video content as LMS packages from Review 360: When the export settings appear, choose one of these LMS standards: AICC, SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, or Tin Can API (xAPI). Enter the percentage of the video learners must watch for it to be marked complete in your LMS. The default is 80%, but you can choose any percentage between 1 and 100. Click Export to finish the process. Or export videos by opening the video content, then clicking the More (•••) icon in the upper right corner of the screen and choosing Export to LMS. To publish Rise 360, Storyline 360, and Studio 360 content for LMS distribution, see these user guides: Storyline 360 Rise 360 Presenter 360 Quizmaker 360 Engage 360 Rename (Toolbar: Pencil icon) Give your content a new name and click Save. Upload new version (Toolbar: Up arrow icon) Upload a new version of your manually-uploaded video content or Storyline 360 project published for manual upload. Select the video or your zipped published output, then click Open. Duplicate (Toolbar: Papers icon) Duplicate an item when you need to share it with a different group of stakeholders or just need to start fresh. Give the copy a name and click Duplicate. The new item won’t have any comments or version history from the original. Move to (Toolbar: Folder with arrow icon) Move your item to an existing or new folder. Select a folder from the list or click the Create new folder icon, give it a name, then click Move. Download Download MP4 files of your video content. Or access this option by opening the video content, then clicking the More (•••) icon in the upper right corner of the screen and choosing Download. You can’t download Storyline 360, Rise 360, or Studio 360 content from Review 360. Delete (Toolbar: Trash bin icon) Delete items when you’re done with them, but don’t worry! You can always restore them if the need arises. They remain in your Deleted Items folder until you permanently delete or restore them. Click the Delete button in the window prompt to confirm that you want to move the Review 360 item to the Deleted Items. When a folder is in the Deleted Items, you'll see the following choices: Remove from trash (Toolbar: Up left arrow icon) If the item was in a folder when you deleted it, it's restored to that same folder (unless the folder itself has also been deleted). Version history and feedback remain intact, so the content looks exactly like it did when it was deleted. You can’t open or view content while it’s in the Deleted Items folder. You’ll need to restore it before you can open it. Delete forever (Toolbar: Trash bin icon) Permanently delete an item by choosing Delete forever. To permanently remove all your deleted items at once, hover over the Deleted Items folder in the sidebar and click Empty. Manage Folders Use folders to organize your Review 360 items and quickly find what you need. Your folders are listed in the sidebar and automatically alphabetized. There are two permanent folders for personal plans and three for Articulate 360 Teams. The Private folder directory, the first folder on top, is the default view when you open Review 360. It's also where your items are stored when you first publish to Review 360 directly from authoring apps. Articulate 360 Teams have a Team directory to manage and collaborate on shared Review 360 items using team folders. The Deleted Items folder can be found at the bottom of the list. You have three options for creating a new folder or subfolder on your Review 360 dashboard: Navigate to where you'd like to create the folder, click New Folder at the top of your dashboard, give your folder a name, and click Save. Hover over a folder in the sidebar, click the More (•••) icon that appears, and choose New folder. Hover over an item, click the More (•••) icon that appears, and choose Move to. When the folder dialog appears, click the Create new folder icon in the lower right corner, give your folder a name, and click Move. To make changes to a folder, hover your mouse over a folder from the sidebar or the folder breadcrumb on top and click the More (•••) icon that appears. Or tick the checkbox in the upper-left corner to show the action toolbar on top (note that this also disables the More (•••) icon). Then select from the following actions: Rename (Toolbar: Pencil icon) Enter a new name for the folder and click Save to rename it. Move folder (Toolbar: Folder with arrow icon) Move your folder to an existing or new folder. Select a folder from the list or click the Create new folder icon, give your new folder a name, then click Move to move the folder to this location. Delete (Toolbar: Trash bin icon) Delete unneeded folders to make space for new ones. Click the Delete button when prompted to confirm that you want to move the folder and all its items to the Deleted Items. They remain in your Deleted Items folder until you permanently delete or restore them. When a folder is in the Deleted Items, you can do either of the following: Remove from trash (Toolbar: Up left arrow icon) Restore a folder and all its items to their original location. Click the View option that appears on the lower-left corner of your screen to jump to this location. Delete forever (Toolbar: Trash bin icon) When prompted, click the Delete forever button to permanently delete the folder and all its items. You can't undo this action. Tip: Click and drag the sidebar divider to the right for a better view of your folder structure. Organize Items and Folders Move or delete items and folders with ease. Select items and folders in three ways: Click and drag your mouse over the items and folders you want to include in the selection. Press Shift+click+drag or Ctrl/Cmd+click+drag to include items in separate sections or pages in the same folder. Hover your mouse over each item or folder and click the checkboxes in the upper-left corner of the card. Press Ctrl+A to select all the items and folders on the current page. You can use this keyboard shortcut across multiple pages in the same folder. To change location, click and drag the selected items to the destination folder on the sidebar or via the breadcrumb navigation on top. Or use the Move icon on the dynamic action toolbar on top to choose a new location, then click Move. To move items and folders to Deleted Items, click and drag the selected items to the folder or choose the Delete icon on the action toolbar. To permanently delete them, select the items and folders from the Deleted Items folder, click the Delete icon from the action toolbar, and choose Delete Forever from the prompt.122Views0likes0CommentsArticulate 360 Teams: Streamline Course Catalog Management
Thanks to Articulate 360 Teams features, managing an extensive course catalog—and the creators involved—doesn't have to be intimidating. In this article, you'll learn to streamline your processes for creating, reviewing, and refreshing content to take advantage of some collaboration tools built into Articulate 360. Create Courses Faster With Project Templates Do you have predefined style guidelines or work with large course catalogs? Do you need to reuse slide layouts, block types, quizzes, colors, and fonts? Templates can save you countless hours. In Storyline 360, you can build a library of templates by turning interactions and slide layouts from existing projects into shared slides. In Rise 360, you can build block templates and question banks that your team members can add to their courses. Learn more about each feature below. Shared Team Slides in Storyline 360 Easily collaborate on Storyline 360 projects with a library of shared team slides. Team members can upload and download slides, scenes, and entire projects, all within Storyline 360. It's perfect for sharing project templates, slides that need to be in every course, and other reusable slide content, such as interactions and quiz questions. Here's the breakdown of tasks and permissions for team slides. Shared Block Templates in Rise 360 Build Rise 360 courses faster by saving existing blocks and their content as templates. When you share those templates with your team, everyone can reuse them in other Rise 360 courses. Creating block templates is a great way to ensure consistency across courses for common lesson types, such as course objectives. Check out these FAQs for what to expect when using block templates with your team. Question Banks in Rise 360 Create repositories of questions that can be used in any course Rise 360 you create and share them with your team so everyone can quickly create quizzes with consistent questions, answers, feedback, and media. That way, authors can build knowledge checks and quizzes that draw from these banks rather than displaying the same static questions whenever a learner takes the course. When you share a question bank, team members can use your questions and, with the proper permissions, modify them or add their own. Here's how roles and permissions work for question banks. Make Courses and Assets Easier to Find With Clear Folder Structures Shared team folders in Rise 360 and Review 360 can save significant time and labor. To get the most out of this feature in both apps and find the content you need quickly, start by establishing a clear folder structure that everyone on your team can understand and use. This article details folder structures and other tips for managing content: Rise 360: How to Organize Content. (We also have tips for managing Storyline 360 projects in this resource: Storyline 360: Tips for Managing Project Files.) Once your folder guidelines are in place in both Rise 360 and Review 360, you and your team can take full advantage of shared team folders, as described below. Shared Team Folders in Rise 360 Create shared team folders in Rise 360 to organize your content and assign permissions. Quickly assign roles to multiple authors for the content shared in these folders for better collaboration. Shared Team Folders in Review 360 Set up shared team folders in Review 360 to organize your content, assign permissions, and invite collaborators. You can even allow multiple authors to publish new versions of a course to the same Review 360 project. Resolve Feedback Faster With Integrated Comments Make the content review process more efficient with integrated comments in Rise 360 and Storyline 360. This feature keeps approved project assets and actionable stakeholder feedback easily accessible within Storyline 360 and Rise 360. It also helps you and your team manage large-scale projects efficiently. Learn more below. Integrated Comments in Rise 360 and Storyline 360 Eliminate back-and-forth toggling between apps with Review 360 comments that appear in context as you work in Rise 360 and Storyline 360. Browse through stakeholder feedback, reply to and resolve comments, and add suggested images in real-time—all in one place. Keep Content Reviews on Track With Review Requests Whether working on new projects or updating existing ones, you need information from subject-matter experts (SMEs) and stakeholder approvals. Send review requests to quickly share your content with reviewers for feedback, monitor their progress, and automatically send due date reminders to keep things on target. Learn more below. Request Reviews in Review 360 Keep your team on track without the hassle of spreadsheets or phone calls. Send and track requests for specific stakeholders to review a content item from Review 360. With email notifications, due dates, visible statuses, and completion buttons, you’ll never miss another deadline. Safeguard Work by Versioning, Duplicating, and Backing Up Projects Throughout the course creation process, you might end up with multiple versions of files. A good versioning process keeps your project files in order, saving you time in the long run. So when it comes time to refresh a course, you'll know what the most up-to-date version is. Here are two resources offering tips for file versioning when using Storyline 360: What You Need to Know About File Versioning Your Storyline 360 Projects 7 Insider Secrets for Working With Large Teams on E-Learning Projects (Save Multiple Versions of Your Course) If you're using Rise 360, one tip is to create a copy of the entire course whenever you make sweeping updates. That way, you can edit the duplicate course while retaining the original version in case you need to revert to it. There are also some built-in versioning features in Articulate 360. With Review 360, you can track revision history and back up your Storyline 360 files. Learn more below. Manage Versions of Review 360 Content Items Use Review 360 to manage your version history, control which versions your reviewers see, and designate a version as the current one. Find out more. Cloud Backup in Storyline 360 and Review 360 Access your Storyline 360 project files from anywhere and share them with team members by uploading your source files to Review 360. Work with confidence, knowing your files are safe and easy to access. Wrap-Up Articulate 360 Teams features make managing a comprehensive course catalog easier and more efficient. And following the best practices described above to optimize your course management process will allow you to harness these powerful collaboration features. Here's to working smarter—not harder!246Views0likes0CommentsReview 360: Manage Versions of Your Content
Review 360 keeps track of revision history. Here's how to manage your version history, control which versions your reviewers see, and choose the current version of the content. View Previous Versions Hide and Unhide Versions Make an Earlier Version the Current Version View Previous Versions Create new versions of Review 360 items to keep track of revision history. To create a new version, simply republish your content or manually upload it. To see an older version of your content, open it in Review 360, click the Version drop-down list in the upper left corner of the screen, and select a version number. For Storyline 360 content, a Download project file link appears below versions published with cloud backup. Click the link to save a copy of the corresponding backup file. Comments roll forward with each new version, so you’ll see comments for the version you selected and all versions before it. To see the latest comments, switch to the current version of the content. You can’t add, edit, delete, resolve, or reopen comments in previous versions of an item. Switch to the current version to perform these tasks. Hide and Unhide Versions Sometimes you need to control which versions of a Review 360 item stakeholders see. It’s easy to show only selected versions while hiding other versions of an item. Here’s how. Click an item on your dashboard to open it. Click the Version drop-down list at the top of the screen. Click the more icon (...) for the version you want to hide and choose Hide this version. (Note: You can't hide the current version of an item.) Stakeholders don't see hidden versions or their comments. As the content owner, you can access hidden versions and unhide them by clicking the eye icon again. Make an Earlier Version the Current Version Sometimes you need to revert the current version of your content to an earlier one. The Restore this version option makes the version you've selected the current version and permanently deletes newer versions, their comments, and Storyline 360 project backups. You can't recover these deleted versions, comments, and project backups, so if you prefer not to permanently delete newer versions, try hiding them instead. Click an item on your dashboard to open it. Click the Version drop-down list at the top of the screen. Click the more icon (...) for the version you want to make current and choose Restore this version. At the confirmation prompt, click Confirm.509Views1like0CommentsHow Content Owners Manage Review 360 Items
Calling all e-learning developers! Speed up your content reviews with Review 360. Simply publish your content to Review 360 and invite stakeholders to offer feedback in a web app they can access anywhere, anytime. Collaborate with stakeholders in threaded discussions, mark comments resolved, and track version history. Here’s how. Get Started Invite Stakeholders to Review Content Search Items Filter Items Manage Items ○ Export Videos as LMS Packages ○ Download Videos Organize Items in Folders Move Items and Folders in Bulk Add, Edit, Delete, and Resolve Comments for an Item Disable and Re-Enable Comments for an Item Export Comments from an Item to CSV and PDF Files View Previous Versions of Your Content Hide and Unhide Versions of Your Content Make an Earlier Version of Your Content the Current Version Change Your Email Notifications Get Started Use one of these web browsers to sign in to Articulate 360, then click the Review 360 link on the top of the page. You’ll see a dashboard, like the one below, where you’ll manage your e-learning content and stakeholder feedback. A card appears on your dashboard for each item you publish to Review 360. Each card displays a title, the most recent publish date, an icon indicating what type of item it is, and a hover menu with several options for managing the item (details below). Before you can invite stakeholders to review your content, you need to upload or publish them to Review 360. Here's how: How to Upload Videos to Review 360 To upload video files to Review 360, go to your Review 360 dashboard and click the "upload a file" link at the top of the page. How to Manually Upload Storyline 360 Courses to Review 360 Visit this user guide for how to manually upload Storyline 360 courses to Review 360. How to Quickly Publish Content Directly to Review 360 Check out these user guides for instructions on publishing items to Review 360 from: Storyline 360 Rise 360 Presenter 360 Quizmaker 360 Engage 360 Replay 360 Peek 360 for Windows Peek 360 for Mac Note that these Storyline and Studio features won’t work in Review 360: Triggers and player tabs that exit the course won't work in Review 360. However, they'll work in browsers that allow tabs to close programmatically when your published output is hosted on a web server or LMS. Landscape-only and portrait-only restrictions in Storyline 360, Presenter 360, Quizmaker 360, and Engage 360 content won’t work. Content always rotates with the Review 360 interface so stakeholders have a consistent experience when adding feedback. When you switch from the review tab to the feedback tab and back again, the content you’re viewing picks up where you left off. However, the resume feature in Storyline 360, Presenter 360, Quizmaker 360, and Engage 360 content won’t work. This means when you close the content in Review 360 and then return to it later, it will start over from the beginning. Invite Stakeholders to Review Content After publishing an item to Review 360, invite stakeholders to review it and post their feedback. You can share a public link to the Review 360 item or create a review request. Share Content with a Public Link Create a Review Request (Beta) Share Content with a Public Link To share your content and provide a way to collect feedback, send stakeholders a direct link to your Review 360 item. From your dashboard, hover over an item, click the More (•••) icon that appears, and choose Get public link or tick the checkbox in the upper-left corner card, and select the chain link icon from the action toolbar on top. You can also open an item, click the More (•••) icon in the upper right corner of the screen, and choose Share. You’ll see this dialog box. If your reviewers don’t have Articulate accounts, mark the box to Allow users without Articulate IDs to comment. Reviewers will be prompted to enter their email addresses so you can identify their comments and they can receive discussion notifications. Stakeholders don’t need to sign in to Review 360 to review content, but we recommend signing in with an Articulate ID for the best experience. For example, reviewers who sign in can see badges for unread comments and change their email notification settings. If you’d like to encourage your reviewers to sign in, ask them to create a free account here. If you want to password-protect your content for additional security, mark the Set a password box and enter a password in the field that appears. Turn off the password at any time simply by unchecking the box. (Only the content owner can add and remove passwords.) Copy the shareable link from the dialog box and send it to your reviewers. Be sure to give them the password if you added one. And if your reviewers have never used Review 360 before, feel free to share this user guide or this downloadable PDF on reviewing content in Review 360. Create a Review Request (Beta) To set a due date and keep track of your stakeholders' progress, add them as reviewers. Learn more about the request review feature. Search Items Having trouble finding a specific review item? Use the search field in the upper right corner of your dashboard to quickly find items by title or date—for example, onboarding or November 2. The search results dynamically update as you type. Perform a search from any folder on your dashboard. Review 360 always searches all your content in all your folders (except deleted items). Filter Items Use the product filters in the upper right corner of the screen to easily find what you’re looking for. Filter your items for Storyline 360, Rise 360, Studio 360, or video content, as shown below. Video content includes Peek 360 videos, Replay 360 videos, and video files that you’ve uploaded to your account. Filter your entire Review 360 dashboard, the contents of a specific folder, or your search results. When you select a product filter, it remains active as you switch folders and enter new search terms. To remove a filter, select All Formats from the list of product filters. Manage Items There's a lot you can do right from your Review 360 dashboard. Hover over an item and click the More (•••) icon that appears to show a drop-down list of actions available. Or tick the checkbox in the upper-left corner to show the action toolbar on top (note that this also disables the More (•••) icon). Depending on the type of content, you'll see the following choices: Export to LMS (Toolbar: Right arrow icon) Host videos in your LMS to track learners’ progress. Once selected, follow these steps to export your video content as LMS packages from Review 360: When the export settings appear, choose one of these LMS standards: AICC, SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, or Tin Can API (xAPI). Enter the percentage of the video that learners must watch for it to be marked complete in your LMS. The default is 80%, but you can choose any percentage between 1 and 100. Click Export to finish the process. You can also export videos by opening the video content, then clicking the More (•••) icon in the upper right corner of the screen and choosing Export to LMS. To publish Rise 360, Storyline 360, and Studio 360 content for LMS distribution, see these user guides: Storyline 360 Rise 360 Presenter 360 Quizmaker 360 Engage 360 Rename (Toolbar: Pencil icon) Give your content a new name and click Save. Upload new version (Toolbar: Up arrow icon) Upload a new version of your manually-uploaded video content or Storyline 360 project published for manual upload. Select the video or zipped file of your published output then click Open. Duplicate (Toolbar: Papers icon) Duplicate an item when you need to share it with a different group of stakeholders or just need to start fresh. Give the copy a name and click Duplicate. The new item won’t have any comments or version history from the original. Move to (Toolbar: Folder with arrow icon) Move your item to an existing or new folder. Select an existing folder from the list or click the Create new folder icon and give it a name, then click Move. Download Download MP4 files of your video content. You can also access this option by opening the video content, then clicking the More (•••) icon in the upper right corner of the screen and choosing Download. You can’t download Storyline 360, Rise 360, or Studio 360 content from Review 360. Delete (Toolbar: Trash bin icon) Delete items when you’re done with them, but don’t worry! You can always restore them if the need arises. They remain in your Deleted Items folder until you permanently delete or restore them. Click the Delete button in the window prompt to confirm that you want to move the Review 360 item to the Deleted Items container. When a folder is in the Deleted Items container, you'll see the following choices: Remove from trash (Toolbar: Up left arrow icon) If the item was in a folder when you deleted it, it's restored to that same folder (unless the folder itself has also been deleted). Version history and feedback remain intact, so the content looks exactly like it did when it was deleted. You can’t open or view content while it’s in the Deleted Items folder. You’ll need to restore it before you can open it. Delete forever (Toolbar: Trash bin icon) Permanently delete an item by choosing Delete forever. To permanently remove all your deleted items at once, hover over the Deleted Items container in the sidebar and click Empty. Organize Items in Folders Use folders to organize your Review 360 items and quickly find what you need. Your folders are listed in the sidebar and automatically alphabetized. There are two permanent folders or containers. The Personal container at the top is the default view when you open Review 360. It's also where your items are stored when you first publish to Review 360 directly from authoring apps. Then there’s the Deleted Items container at the bottom of your folder list in the sidebar. Create Folders There are three ways to create a new folder on your Review 360 dashboard: Navigate to where you'd like to create the folder, click New Folder in the sidebar, give your folder a name, and click Save. Hover over a folder in the sidebar, click the More (•••) icon that appears, and choose New folder. Hover over an item, click the More (•••) icon that appears, and choose Move to. When the folder dialog appears, click the Create new folder icon in the lower right corner, give your folder a name, and click Move. Manage Folders Hover your mouse over a folder from the sidebar or the folder breadcrumb on top and click the More (•••) icon that appears. Or tick the checkbox in the upper-left corner to show the action toolbar on top (note that this also disables the More (•••) icon). Then select from the following actions: Rename (Toolbar: Pencil icon) Enter a new name for the folder and click Save to rename it. Move folder (Toolbar: Folder with arrow icon) Move your folder to an existing or new folder. Select a folder from the list, or click the Create new folder icon, give your new folder a name, then click Move to move the folder to this location. Delete (Toolbar: Trash bin icon) Delete unneeded folders to make space for new ones. Click the Delete button when prompted to confirm that you want to move the folder and all its items to the Deleted Items container. They remain in your Deleted Items container until you permanently delete or restore them. When a folder is in the Deleted Items container, you can do either of the following: Remove from trash (Toolbar: Up left arrow icon) Restore a folder and all its items to their original location. Click the View option that appears on the lower-left corner of your screen to jump to this location. Delete forever (Toolbar: Trash bin icon) Click the Delete forever button when prompted to permanently delete the folder and all its items. You can't undo this action. Move Items and Folders in Bulk Move multiple items and folders at the same time with ease. Hover your mouse over each one and tick the checkboxes in the upper-left corner. Then click the Move icon on the dynamic action toolbar, choose the new folder location, and click Move. An Undo option appears on the lower-left corner of your screen for a few seconds in case you change your mind. Tip: Need to delete several items and folders? Move them to a new folder and then delete the folder. Add, Edit, Delete, and Resolve Comments for an Item To learn all about working with comments, see our user guide on reviewing content in Review 360. It’s also a great resource to share with your stakeholders. Disable and Re-Enable Comments for an Item There are times when it’s helpful to turn off comments for an item. For example, you might not want reviewers to continue posting comments after it's finished and approved. Just open the item from your dashboard, click the More (•••) icon in the upper right corner of the screen, and choose Disable Comments. Here’s what happens when comments are disabled: The sidebar disappears from the review tab, and the feedback tab disappears altogether. If the item already had comments, you won’t be able to read them unless you export them to a report. If you enable comments again later, all pre-existing comments will reappear. (Re-enable comments by clicking the More (•••) icon in the upper right corner and choosing Enable Comments.) Export Comments from an Item to CSV and PDF Files Export comments from an item for analysis, backup, or regulatory requirements. Here’s how. Click an item on your dashboard to open it. Click the More (•••) icon in the upper right corner of the screen and choose Export Comments. Use the Comment Order drop-down list to choose how you want to organize comments in your report. Choose either CSV or PDF from the Export Format drop-down list. Click Export and choose where you want to save your report. All comments for all versions of the item get exported to a single report. However, to include resolved comments in the PDF export, set the review item to Show Resolved Comments first via the More (•••) icon in the upper right corner before exporting. View Previous Versions of Your Content Create new versions of Review 360 items to keep track of revision history. To create a new version, simply republish your content or manually upload it. To see an older version of your content, open it in Review 360, click the Version drop-down list in the upper left corner of the screen, and select a version number. Comments roll forward with each new version, so you’ll see comments for the version you selected and all versions before it. To see the latest comments, switch to the current version of the content. You can’t add, edit, delete, resolve, or reopen comments in previous versions of an item. Switch to the current version to perform these tasks. Hide and Unhide Versions of Your Content Sometimes you need to control which versions of a Review 360 item stakeholders see. It’s easy to show only select versions of items while hiding other versions. Here’s how. Click an item on your dashboard to open it. Click the Version drop-down list at the top of the screen and hover over the version you want to hide. (The current version of an item can’t be hidden.) Click the eye icon to hide that version. Stakeholders don't see hidden versions or their comments. As the content owner, you have access to hidden versions and can unhide them by clicking the eye icon again. Make an Earlier Version of Your Content the Current Version Sometimes you need to revert the current version of a content to an earlier one. The Restore this version option makes the version you've selected the current version and permanently deletes newer versions and their comments. There isn’t a way to recover those versions and comments, so if you prefer not to permanently delete newer versions, try hiding them instead. Click an item on your dashboard to open it. Click the Version drop-down list at the top of the screen and select the version number you want to make current. Click Restore this version at the top of the screen. At the confirmation prompt, click Confirm. Change Your Email Notifications As the content owner, you’ll receive instant email notifications for all comments on all your Review 360 items. The good news is you can change your notification settings, including how often you receive emails. How to Limit or Mute Notifications for an Item By default, you’ll receive email notifications for all comments on an item, but you can limit or even mute comments. Here’s how. Click an item on your dashboard to open it. Click the More (•••) icon in the upper right corner of the screen and choose Project Notifications. Choose one of these options: Your Activity triggers email notifications only when someone replies to your comments or @mentions you. All Activity triggers email notifications for all comments and replies on this item. This is the default setting for content owners. Mute Project never sends email notifications. Click outside the notification settings menu to close it. How to Change the Frequency of Email Notifications By default, you’ll receive email notifications instantly, but you can reduce the frequency to hourly or daily. Click your profile icon in the upper right corner of the screen and choose Notification Settings. Choose how often you want to receive email notifications: Instantly, Hourly, or Daily. Click outside the notification settings menu to close it. Email frequency is a global setting that applies to all your Review 360 items (except items you've muted).411Views0likes0CommentsStoryline 3: Tips for Managing Project Files
The following tips will help you avoid unexpected behavior when creating, sharing, and publishing Storyline 3 projects. Create, Edit, and Publish Projects on Your Local Hard Drive Save, Version, and Back Up Projects Frequently Send Projects to Other Developers When You Need to Collaborate Host Published Courses Online Optimize File Paths and Naming Conventions Create, Edit, and Publish Projects on Your Local Hard Drive Working with Project Files Always save and publish Storyline projects on your local hard drive (typically your C: drive). Working on a network drive or an external USB drive can cause erratic behavior due to latency. For example, it could cause file corruption or prevent you from saving changes. You can place a copy of your project on a network drive or a USB drive for backup purposes, but avoid reopening the file until you've moved it back to your local hard drive. Working with Course Assets Developers often keep course assets (pictures, videos, audio files, documents, etc.) on a network drive or USB drive. And in most cases, that's fine. However, if you see unusual behavior after importing an asset from a network drive or USB drive, it's possible the asset became corrupt as it transferred to your computer. If that happens, delete the asset from your course, copy the original asset to your local computer, then import it again. Here are some examples of strange behavior that can occur when an asset is corrupt: The asset is blank, distorted, or unresponsive. For example, an image looks like an empty box, or a video refuses to play. Storyline says the file format isn't supported even though it is. The preview feature doesn't work. It loads a blank slide or doesn't load at all. Resources that you attach to your player are missing when you publish. Save, Version, and Back Up Projects Frequently Save your work often. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+S is the fastest way to save. Do it so often that it becomes muscle memory. You’ll be glad you did. Create versions of each project during its development cycle so you can go back to earlier versions when necessary. Just go to the File tab on the Storyline ribbon and choose Save As, then give your project a slightly different file name. For example, you might make a new version at the end of each workday and add the date to the file name so you can identify it. Versioning is also a good way to back up your work. Save earlier versions to the cloud, a network drive, or an external hard drive for safekeeping. (But always save the current version on your local hard drive.) Click here for more tips to avoid corrupting or losing project files. Send Projects to Other Developers When You Need to Collaborate If you need to share a project file with another developer, we recommend zipping it first. Then share the zipped file via email, external drive, network drive, etc. Recipients should save it to their local hard drives and fully extract it before opening the project. Host Published Courses Online Viewing published courses on your local hard drive or a network drive isn't supported. Security restrictions in these environments can cause various features in your courses to fail. To avoid unexpected behavior during playback, upload your courses to a web server or LMS. The published output for a Storyline project includes multiple files and folders. For your published course to work properly, these files and folders must remain in the same organizational structure when you upload them to a server. Optimize File Paths and Naming Conventions Be sure the file paths to your projects and published output are well under the 260-character limit imposed by Microsoft Windows. (The publishing process adds characters to the file path you selected. If it exceeds 260 characters, your published output will be incomplete.) Avoid using special characters, accents, or symbols in your file paths and file names. Learn more about naming conventions in this Microsoft article.79Views0likes0CommentsReplay 360: Tips for Managing Project Files
The following tips will help you avoid unexpected behavior when creating, sharing, and publishing Replay 360 projects. Create, Edit, and Publish Projects on Your Local Hard Drive Save, Version, and Backup Projects Frequently Send Projects to Other Developers When You Need to Collaborate Host Published Content Anywhere Optimize File Paths and Naming Conventions Create, Edit, and Publish Projects on Your Local Hard Drive Always save and publish on your local hard drive (typically your C: drive). Working on a network drive or an external (USB) drive can cause erratic behavior, such as file corruption, an inability to save changes, and loss of project resources due to latency. You can place a copy of your project on a network drive or an external drive for backup purposes, but avoid re-opening the file until you've moved it back to your local hard drive. Save, Version, and Backup Projects Frequently Save your work often. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+S is the fastest way to save. Do it so often it becomes muscle memory. You’ll be glad you did. Create versions of your project during its development cycle so you can go back to earlier versions when necessary. Just go to the File tab on the Replay ribbon and choose Save As, then give your project a slightly different file name. For example, you might make a new version at the end of each work day and add the date to the file name so you can easily identify it. Versioning is also a good way to backup your work. Just save earlier versions to the cloud, a network drive, or an external hard drive for safekeeping. (But always save the current version on your local hard drive.) Send Projects to Other Developers When You Need to Collaborate If you need to share a project file with another developer, we recommend zipping it first. Then send the zipped file via email, external drive, network drive, etc. Recipients should save it to their local hard drives and fully extract it before opening the project. Host Published Videos Anywhere Replay generates MP4 video files that can be viewed locally, hosted online, or embedded in e-learning courses. Optimize File Paths and Naming Conventions Be sure the file paths to your projects and published output are well under the 260-character limit imposed by Microsoft Windows. (Publishing adds characters to the file path you selected. If it exceeds 260 characters, your project won’t publish properly.) Avoid using special characters, accents, or symbols in your file paths and file names. Learn more about naming conventions in this Microsoft article.70Views0likes0CommentsQuizmaker 360: Tips for Managing Project Files
The following tips will help you avoid unexpected behavior when creating, sharing, and publishing Quizmaker 360 projects. Create, Edit, and Publish Projects on Your Local Hard Drive Save, Version, and Back Up Projects Frequently Send Projects to Other Developers When You Need to Collaborate Host Published Quizzes Online Optimize File Paths and Naming Conventions Create, Edit, and Publish Projects on Your Local Hard Drive Working with Project Files Always save and publish Quizmaker projects on your local hard drive (typically your C: drive). Working on a network drive or an external USB drive can cause erratic behavior due to latency. For example, it could cause file corruption or prevent you from saving changes. You can place a copy of your project on a network drive or a USB drive for backup purposes, but avoid reopening the file until you've moved it back to your local hard drive. Working with Quiz Assets Developers often keep quiz assets (pictures, videos, audio files, etc.) on a network drive or USB drive. And in most cases, that's fine. However, if you see unusual behavior after importing an asset from a network drive or USB drive, it's possible the asset became corrupt as it transferred to your computer. If that happens, delete the asset from your quiz, copy the original asset to your local computer, then import it again. Here are some examples of strange behavior that can occur when an asset is corrupt: The asset is blank, distorted, or unresponsive. For example, an image looks like an empty box, or a video refuses to play. Quizmaker says the file format isn't supported even though it is. The preview feature doesn't work. It loads a blank slide or doesn't load at all. Save, Version, and Back Up Projects Frequently Save your work often. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+S is the fastest way to save. Do it so often that it becomes muscle memory. You’ll be glad you did. Create versions of each project during its development cycle so you can go back to earlier versions when necessary. Just go to the File tab on the Quizmaker ribbon and choose Save As, then give your project a slightly different file name. For example, you might make a new version at the end of each workday and add the date to the file name so you can identify it. Versioning is also a good way to back up your work. Save earlier versions to the cloud, a network drive, or an external hard drive for safekeeping. (But always save the current version on your local hard drive.) Send Projects to Other Developers When You Need to Collaborate If you need to share a project file with another developer, we recommend zipping it first. Then share the zipped file via email, external drive, network drive, etc. Recipients should save it to their local hard drives and fully extract it before opening the project. Host Published Quizzes Online Viewing published quizzes on your local hard drive or a network drive isn't supported. Security restrictions in these environments can cause various features in your quizzes to fail. To avoid unexpected behavior during playback, upload your quizzes to a web server or LMS. The published output for a Quizmaker project includes multiple files and folders. For your published quiz to work properly, these files and folders must remain in the same organizational structure when you upload them to a server. Here's a pro tip: When you need to test a published quiz or share it with stakeholders, publish it to Articulate 360, then view it in Articulate Review. Optimize File Paths and Naming Conventions Be sure the file paths to your projects and published output are well under the 260-character limit imposed by Microsoft Windows. (The publishing process adds characters to the file path you selected. If it exceeds 260 characters, your published output will be incomplete.) Avoid using special characters, accents, or symbols in your file paths and file names. Learn more about naming conventions in this Microsoft article.20Views0likes0CommentsEngage 360: Tips for Managing Project Files
The following tips will help you avoid unexpected behavior when creating, sharing, and publishing Engage 360 projects. Create, Edit, and Publish Projects on Your Local Hard Drive Save, Version, and Back Up Projects Frequently Send Projects to Other Developers When You Need to Collaborate Host Published Interactions Online Optimize File Paths and Naming Conventions Create, Edit, and Publish Projects on Your Local Hard Drive Working with Project Files Always save and publish Engage projects on your local hard drive (typically your C: drive). Working on a network drive or an external USB drive can cause erratic behavior due to latency. For example, it could cause file corruption or prevent you from saving changes. You can place a copy of your project on a network drive or a USB drive for backup purposes, but avoid reopening the file until you've moved it back to your local hard drive. Working with Interaction Assets Developers often keep interaction assets (pictures, videos, and audio files) on a network drive or USB drive. And in most cases, that's fine. However, if you see unusual behavior after importing an asset from a network drive or USB drive, it's possible the asset became corrupt as it transferred to your computer. If that happens, delete the asset from your interaction, copy the original asset to your local computer, then import it again. Here are some examples of strange behavior that can occur when an asset is corrupt: The asset is blank, distorted, or unresponsive. For example, an image looks like an empty box, or a video refuses to play. Engage says the file format isn't supported even though it is. The preview feature doesn't work. It loads a blank slide or doesn't load at all. Save, Version, and Back Up Projects Frequently Save your work often. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+S is the fastest way to save. Do it so often that it becomes muscle memory. You’ll be glad you did. Create versions of each project during its development cycle so you can go back to earlier versions when necessary. Just go to the File tab on the Engage ribbon and choose Save As, then give your project a slightly different file name. For example, you might make a new version at the end of each workday and add the date to the file name so you can identify it. Versioning is also a good way to back up your work. Save earlier versions to the cloud, a network drive, or an external hard drive for safekeeping. (But always save the current version on your local hard drive.) Send Projects to Other Developers When You Need to Collaborate If you need to share a project file with another developer, we recommend zipping it first. Then share the zipped file via email, external drive, network drive, etc. Recipients should save it to their local hard drives and fully extract it before opening the project. Host Published Interactions Online Viewing published interactions on your local hard drive or a network drive isn't supported. Security restrictions in these environments can cause various features in your interactions to fail. To avoid unexpected behavior during playback, upload your interactions to a web server or LMS. The published output for an Engage project includes multiple files and folders. For your published interaction to work properly, these files and folders must remain in the same organizational structure when you upload them to a server. Here's a pro tip: When you need to test a published interaction or share it with stakeholders, publish it to Articulate 360, then view it in Articulate Review. Optimize File Paths and Naming Conventions Be sure the file paths to your projects and published output are well under the 260-character limit imposed by Microsoft Windows. (The publishing process adds characters to the file path you selected. If it exceeds 260 characters, your published output will be incomplete.) Avoid using special characters, accents, or symbols in your file paths and file names. Learn more about naming conventions in this Microsoft article.26Views0likes0CommentsPresenter 360: Tips for Managing Project Files
The following tips will help you avoid unexpected results when creating, sharing, and publishing Presenter 360 projects. Create, Edit, and Publish Projects on Your Local Hard Drive Save, Version, and Back Up Projects Frequently Send Projects to Other Developers When You Need to Collaborate Host Published Courses Online Optimize File Paths and Naming Conventions Create, Edit, and Publish Projects on Your Local Hard Drive Working with Project Files Always save and publish Presenter projects on your local hard drive (typically your C: drive). Working on a network drive or an external USB drive can cause erratic behavior due to latency. For example, it could cause file corruption or prevent you from saving changes. You can place a copy of your project on a network drive or a USB drive for backup purposes, but avoid reopening the file until you've moved it back to your local hard drive. And before moving a Presenter project to a network drive or USB drive, create an Articulate Package, as described below. Creating an Articulate Package An Articulate Package is a zip file that contains a copy of an entire Presenter project, including the PowerPoint file, the Presenter file with audio/video resources, quiz files, and interaction files. Here's how to create an Articulate Package: In PowerPoint, go to the File tab on the PowerPoint ribbon, click Share, and choose Articulate Package. When the Articulate Presenter Package window appears, choose a package location (i.e., where you want to save it). By default, the zip file will be created in the same location where your PowerPoint file is stored, but you can change it. Just click the ellipsis (...) and browse to a different folder. Modify the optional package notes, then click Create Package. When the Publish Successful window appears, you'll have an option to open the folder where the zip file was created. Click Close when you're done. Working with Course Assets Developers often keep course assets (pictures, videos, audio files, documents, etc.) on a network drive or USB drive. And in most cases, that's fine. However, if you see unusual behavior after importing an asset from a network drive or USB drive, it's possible the asset became corrupt as it transferred to your computer. If that happens, delete the asset from your course, copy the original asset to your local computer, then import it again. Here are some examples of strange behavior that can occur when an asset is corrupt: The asset is blank, distorted, or unresponsive. For example, a video refuses to play. Presenter says the file format isn't supported even though it is. The preview feature doesn't work. It loads a blank slide or doesn't load at all. Resources that you attach to your player are missing when you publish. Save, Version, and Back Up Projects Frequently Save your work often. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+S is the fastest way to save. Do it so often that it becomes muscle memory. You’ll be glad you did. Create versions of your project during its development cycle so you can go back to earlier versions when necessary. Just create an Articulate Package, as described above, then give the resulting zip file a slightly different file name. For example, you might make a new version at the end of each workday and add the date to the file name so you can identify it. Versioning is also a good way to back up your work. Save earlier versions to the cloud, a network drive, or an external hard drive for safekeeping. (But always save the current version on your local hard drive.) Send Projects to Other Developers When You Need to Collaborate If you need to share a Presenter project with another developer, create an Articulate Package, as described above. Then share the zipped file via email, external drive, network drive, etc. Recipients should save it to their local hard drives and fully extract it before opening the project. Host Published Courses Online Viewing published courses on your local hard drive or a network drive isn't supported. Security restrictions in these environments can cause various features in your courses to fail. To avoid unexpected behavior during playback, upload your courses to a web server or LMS. The published output for a Presenter course includes multiple files and folders. For your published course to work properly, these files and folders must remain in the same organizational structure when you upload them to a server. Here's a pro tip: When you need to test a published course or share it with stakeholders, publish it to Articulate 360, then view it in Articulate Review. Optimize File Paths and Naming Conventions Be sure the file paths to your projects and published output are well under the 260-character limit imposed by Microsoft Windows. (The publishing process adds characters to the file path you selected. If it exceeds 260 characters, your published output will be incomplete.) Avoid using special characters, accents, or symbols in your file paths and file names. Learn more about naming conventions in this Microsoft article.267Views0likes0Comments